Since there seems to be some confusion over when to have the Texas Party this year, I deemed we start a poll to see where a majority of the Breakers would prefer the party to be. I would like to include everyone on the board and since most of the non breakers will be in BBG in May some have opted for a June ,july or august Date. Also there is the Debate of Houston or Dallas. Houston has much more to offer as far as members and lodging options but Dallas is closer for some of you all SOo. Please let us know so either we can all get together and Plan a Texas Party or A Summer Break Party. Either way I will be there. I would like to see everyone come together and the results of the poll will help determine who and when needs to plan what!!! Majority WINS!!! Leah
Seems like Dallas in June is on top right now, but then not that many have voted yet. Well we will see. It would just be fun it there would be a reuinion at all, thats my opinion! :wink:
Hey guys, I'm not way picky about where it's at or which weekend... both Dallas and Houston are great towns... but if it is in May I probably won't be able to go... my students don't get out of school until June 6th or something, so May will be pretty hectic... I'd totally try to make any other time work tho, I'd love to meet all the people I didn't get a chance to meet in Cancun, and see the ones I DID get to meet again...