For you vacationers, I posted this on another board for the locals. Rather than start from scratch, I have copied and pasted the paragraphs following this one. The main news is that all incoming and outgoing flights from and to the USA will be through the new Terminal 3. I am flying out on Wednesday and will post about that part of the experience. A buddy is flying in on the 29th and if there are no posts about that I will ask him and one of us will post any relevant helpful info. I forgot to post this but one of my Spirit friends said that Saturday was the first day for Spirit service at Term 3. She said it was like a mall. 2 Starbucks, Margaritaville, Bubba Gumps and more. Prices out of sight. I think she said $70 for a personal pizza and that was with the airline employee discount. Tons of retail shopping too. All of the gates are "C" gates so if you can't tell which Terminal to get to, if you know a Gate number and it is "C" you are at Terminal 3. The gates for Terminal 2 are "A", which are upstairs, and "B" which are downstairs.