Dude Wally... Thats like telling a Scotch or Conac drinker... What does it matter what your booze tastes like so long as it gets ya buzzed... I love good Tequila. I have a bottle of Hurradura Seleccion Suprema Extra Anjeo on my shelf right now that I bought in Cabo. I paid $180.00 for it and it sells in the US for around $400.00 a fifth... If you can find it. There are a range of Tequilas out there from rotgut to liquid gold. Gotta respect the God of the Blue Agave for giving us Tequila.
I have to agree with you. I was actually quoting the words from a song by Joe Nichols. I've got a bottle of Barrique de Ponciano Porfidio ($2000) under lock and key . The past 2 years on News Years Eve my wife and I each do one shot and then go back to the Real world of Don Julio.
They have Cuervo Gold behind the bar. You have to ask, but its always been available when I've asked. I usually carry a shot of CG (with a lime wedge) and sip on it while I drink beer. Funny thing, the first shot lasts about 3 beers, the second shot lasts 2 beers... after that it gets a bit fuzzy - but I have a lot of pictures of the Cancun sunrise..... Lyle (31 days...............)
NO Jose. Friends do not let friends drink Jose. I am loving this tequila thread. I am glad I am not the only one who appreciates really really really good tequila. Shannon
Yes but it's not the "Jose" we get. Don't get me wrong they still have the crappy Jose but if they give u "the good shit" you will see the difference. They consider it they're best tequila. ask any local there or bartender for that matter
So Dan, is it just the same over the counter Jose that you buy at the airport?? I have bought that stuff before and it's the same as I can buy here.
to the guys with the really good tequila..............when are you going on vacation and what is your address? Just kidding - I wouldn't break into your house just for tequila!!!! LMAO Shannon