Hiya Party People I’m in Cancun right now and me and my gf (21) wanna party in Desire or Temptation but are staying in another hotel, we heard that you gotta get guest passes. I don’t know anyone in these hotels, how could I obtain a pass? Also, what is the average age of the guests in these locations, are there people there in their 20’s? Thehiddenone
You can buy a day pass or a night pass or both, or just book an over night stay, find the number and call them The average age? some where between 21 and 70, changes every week. Have fun in Cancun. Terry
Visitors – Access to the hotel is restricted to our registered guests only. If you wish to invite someone to the hotel you must purchase a “Day Pass” or “Night Pass” at the front desk. Day Pass – 7:00 AM till 6:00 PM - $65 USD Night Pass – 1:00 AM till Noon - $95 USD (Prices subject to change without prior notice)
Hey guys, thanks 4 ur replies, I can't invite anyone, I have to be invited, they don't sell passes for non residents. So, how to go about it. Any ideas?
Yes, on past occasions I've been on a day pass to TTR then I've been asked for the name and room number of someone staying there. (Although I probably could have got round it as I know a few of the managers quite well). I dont think Desire offer a day pass at all from what I've read. Not sure when you intend to visit but maybe someone leaving in the next few days could help you out by PM ing you their name. The problem is forum members who are already there and could invite you are unlikely to be checking the board. There are always people there in their 20's but I would say the most prevalent age group is 35 -50.