Temptations Safety

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by GSpot69, Sep 28, 2015.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Disagree on the day/night passes being a problem.

    People on day/night passes represent maybe 0.5% of people at the hotel, if that. They are expensive and most locals cant afford them ($180 for guys/ $60 for girls). The locals that can afford them tend to be respectful, upmarket folks. The majority of people who use them are tourist couples checking out the place before potentially booking in the future. Locals would usually just book one night if they wanted to go to the hotel, it's much cheaper for them that way.

    We often go on a night pass ourselves (we get a big discount), and after seeing posts about this before I checked the night pass bracelet numbers. Each bracelet has a unique number and they come in strips of 10 with consecutive numbers. Two weeks apart on different visits our bracelet numbers were 14 digits different. So night passes are sold at the rate of one a day, or one couple every two days.

    People with day/night passes aren't the issue.
  2. GSpot69

    GSpot69 Addict Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Yeah I wouldn't target anyone in particular because I believe alcohol was a huge factor in both instances we encountered. The one I got roped into though was with a local who in my opinion should have been kicked out. He was groping girls all day and when I was asked to help. Also tried to punch me. The manager said to me that its even worse that he is Mexican :mexicoflag: so they let him stay in his room and sleep it off??

    A little funny note to this.
    When I was about to walk away he showed up again this time with no shirt on. Began torqueing his niples like an idiot and slapping his chest.:aktion047: LOL
    At that point I realized this guy has been watching too much UFC ro Nacho Libre and he wasn't about to leave with out doing something! :aktion070:
    A little restraint goes a long way to keep you out of a mexican jail. phew
    Anyway another story from TTR we've got lots and this created some new memories!
  3. 2plus4

    2plus4 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Not wanting to disagree with you Steve but the incident I reported here happened because this large group was on a day pass. They took over the sexy pool it seemed the music went from the usual level to club in an instant and the group started to party hard....this girl walked by the group heading to the bar in a G-string bikini bottom like she had been doing since she arrived and got a slap on the ass that could be heard above the music...this instantly started to bruise and became a huge welt...security came later and didn't escort him off because it would have embarrassed him in front of his friends if they did...I'm not painting all day/night pass people with the same brush but I will say this it happened on a Friday we were held over and didn't leave the resort until the Saturday, our flight out was 11 pm and we left the resort about 9pm or so and we didn't see him nor his party all day if they were still sleeping it off then they hurt themselves real bad.....just like some of the great single guys that come to the resort that are gents that people say you have to meet this guy when you're down there cause he's a great guy to hang out with get painted with the creeper brush because some guy came to the resort thinking its open season on the woman there because they tan topless wear skimpy bottoms the day/night pass people get it because of a few that come act stupid and leave....we've personally had the pleasure of meeting you and your lovely wife and if someone were to ask I'd say hey you have to meet these two people when you're down there Steve runs the Boobs Cruise and his wife she's a lovely lady, now whatever you do don't challenge her to a beer drinking contest you'll lose every time... there have been one or two that come in and have you questioning the whole day/night pass thing.....the creepers do that to the single guys and there have been a few over the years there was a thread and a few newbies asked do I really have to worry if I leave my wife at the bar to go to the washroom or grab a bite to eat that when I get back I have some guy sitting in my seat hitting on my wife and when I say hey buddy you're in my seat and you're bothering the lady I have to worry about the preening peacock and possibly a fight because this guy whose had to much to drink thinks because my wife made the mistake of acknowledging him she's going back to his room for the night....
  4. Mike and Ang

    Mike and Ang Addict Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Agreed people look out for each other in groups. That was certainly the case with the June Junkies...awesome group of people and many we communicated with on here prior to our trip. I always made a point to commmunicate with others in the group before leaving Ang alone. However, we also had some safe words we discussed prior, so Ang could let me know if she felt uncomfortable without making a scene and I would not have to ask her if she was ok every time a guy spoke to her. Happy to report, we did not have to use the phrases while we were there...but think it is a good idea to discuss some prior to your trips. It was all the fun we hoped for and less drama than some posts suggest. Enjoy your vacation, but always be alert and take precautions.
  5. DannKathy

    DannKathy Guru Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    safe word and safety in numbers is a good combo. My wife says I can also give a death look that would scare Dracula when I'm mad.:aktion069:
  6. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    We have hardly ever "gone to TTR" with a large group, but after the 1st hour there we almost always end up part of at least a mid-size group (say, 6-10 peeps), and everyone watches out for everyone else generally.
  7. LadynTramp

    LadynTramp I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Steve, we hear you!

    It just seems that we never see "these people" at the pools.......on the beach or at meals, but they seem thick at Paty O's as the night goes on. Never have I thought they were locals..............but we really don't think most of them are staying at Temptation. I don't know what the day/night pass bracelets look like...........we'll have to pay better attention!
  8. Donald

    Donald Devil's advocate Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2010
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    They could always be friends of upper management

    Sent from my SM-G870W using Tapatalk
  9. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Day pass is a blue bracelet, night pass is brown.

    Unless you've spotted their bracelets then it's not really possible to attribute the problems to people on day/night passes.
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