Forget volleyball.. I want to see what happens on the Boobs Cruise when Chinos breaks out the paddle! :icon_eek: "Baliff... whack that peepee!" See who is old enough to remember that line! Jamie
New bucket list for 2014 1- ''contents edited due to sexual content'' 2- '' contents edited due to graphic nature'' 3- ''contents removed due to site rules'' 4- " contents removed, Illegal in 32 countries '' 5- " contents removed, do not want to for-warn TTR security''
Well our last trip was an experience for u , we were on Honeymoon but still managed to: # Get naked in the Sexy Pool (only to be told off by security 3 mins later!) # Showed a friend how good i am with my tounge as a Lesbian in the Sexy Pool! # Had sex in the sea! # Had a 5 way Kiss # Licked Lemon Bomb shots off womens boobies! So this time.... Lol... We wanna: # Make it to the Boobs Cruise (We were ill with that virus last year! ) # Go topless and be confident about it! # Lick AIWC off anyone and everyone! (We failed to do this last time!) # Get more involved in Theme Nights # And who knows what else!!!! 70 days to go..... 29th May - 12th June and this time we're bringing 1 Bisexual woman (My best friend!) 1 Lesbian Woman! (Morgan's best friend) and a curious Guy! God help! haha!
As a newbie my bucket list 1. Meet and talk to new people (Shy) 2. Take top off (First time) 3. Participate in games (Shy) 4. Ovoid the curse