I'll be there for just two days, May 11-13th. Single this time, last year went to Desire Riviera Maya and had a blast. Looking forward to meeting you all.
I know people ask about theme nights all the time but, Our "check-in reminder" email shows: Monday: Superheros Tuesday: Angels & Devils Wed: lingerie Lounge Thur: School Girls and Nerds Fri: Toga (one of my favorites) Sat: Let it Glow Sun: 911 But when clicking for details its, Mon: Pink it up Tue: Back to School Wed: lingerie Masquerade Thur: Glitter Bomb Fri: Burning Land Sat: Graffiti Glow Sun: 911 A lot of crossover, but still like to know what's the latest.
4 more sleeps! We're so ready. If you see us say "Hi!" We're hoping to make friends. Let's party!!! We'll be there May 15-21