Happy to report that Cancun Mexico does not observe Daylight Savings time so we will not lose an hour of frolicking! For those of us who observe, we Spring Forward one hour Sunday March 10 2019.
A Virgin...yep! Nope, actually two up on you! This will be my 10th trip although I have not been since the rebuild. I'm curious if you guys have? Any notable new changes that will ensure a great stay?
Hi John & Jennifer! If you are thinking of taking the yacht out and do not mind a single guy (at this time; still looking for a female traveling partner) participating and helping with the cost (if you have a near full boat.) I'm in. Otherwise will probably hit the Boobs Cruise again.
Hey Marky! I have not been since 2016, however, in my experience singles (male & female...where are they...) are always welcome depending on your behavior. It is a great place to socialize and to simply have fun. Assuming the beach volleyball court is still active, you will find me there daily for competitive but not so serious fun. Seems a lot of "Mark's" and "Marc's" are going