Yeah. Had a similar experience but they let some guy wear baggy, red, tearaway bball pants and ugly sneakers.
5 more days to go......Gonna be the best week of our lives. 2 Boobs cruises and meeting tons of cool new people and others from on here.
Only a few days left until we get back to the great TTR party for the 9th of 10th time (first April trip). TTR is a unique place where folks return to see great friends from previous trips and meet lots of new friends! I always like to challenge everyone to do something to make the TTR experience better for other people. There are lots of ways to do your part to contribute to the awesome TTR experience. Whether it’s sharing rounds of shots, having in room pre gaming parties, participating in pool side games, wearing something crazy to pool or bash, or simply introducing yourselves to others and making them feel welcomed. TTR and CCC are great venues but it’s the positive energy folks that make the experience! CAN NOT WAIT!! See everyone 17th!