Some Moncton Wildcats huh? 12 or 14 Haligonians( well actually in the suburbs) going apr30-may 7 ....may see you on our last day as we leave late. We'll be the ones who are sunburnt, hungover and passed out recovering from the week!
Boy I know someone who is going to be shitfaced the first night. I'm meeting you with a shot and a Tom Collins, then you're meeting the other guy for two shots.... And that's all between 11 PM and Midnight. Jamie
I like seeing your posts because then I see your counter and then I think I have one day less to wait then them. Jamie
dosent work that way cause my coutdown is set for when i go on vacation (friday at 5) not when i get to cancun on :clappyinghappy:saturday!!!! but we will share a drink :daveandmo: when we get there but you will have to buy......we dont do the AI until saturday. its a waste paying for all day when we dont get there until after 5pm. thats why we always go out the first night.
Hi, I am an Indian citizen a newbie on Cancure forum and planning to go to Temptation resort Cancun for the first time. I am broadminded however my wife is very conservative and she is not willing to stay at Temptation resort. Will appreciate if you could brief me about the topless scene and the activities at this resort. I am unable to view the photos posted on this forum even with moderate setting probably because I am logging in from India. Will appreciate if you could mail me some photos of the activities at Temptation resort in a zip file on my mail id i.e. dulipmodi Thanking you in anticipation. Warm Regards Dulip.