Temptation make over of entertainment schedule!!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Edward-Alli, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. kandl

    kandl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Their statement is Ambiguous.
    It offers no specific commitments.
    So if they don't meet expectations,
    we don't really have anything to complain about! HA HA HA :bash:
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    +7,268 / 14
    Not sure I'd 100% agree there.

    They rotate duties around but at least one has to be available from about 9:00am and at least one (often two) go out with the folks to the clubs every night, and not get home until maybe 3am. They are generally all around from about 11am until 4pm, and then again from 8pm until 11pm when people head off to the clubs.

    There are only 3 of them (if fully staffed which they haven't always been recently) so each is probably out until the small hours 3 or 4 times a week. It's quite a lot of hours split between not many staff.
  3. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Port Orange, FL
    +1,168 / 5
    Yeah, I agree with Steve.. they would LOVE an 8 hour day.

    If you pay attention, and I know you are on vacation so you’re not required to pay attention, their day starts out a 8 AM everyday they work. They do get one day off a week.

    They spend the time between 8 AM and 10 AM when the activities start, cleaning and preparing for the upcoming day. (putting up the activities board, putting up the swim lanes and net over the sports pool, wiping off the salt water residue from everywhere, etc, etc..) Then they are “on” from 10 AM till 4 PM. They do get time for lunch but its only in Embarcadero and preferable seated with a guest. They get a break from 4 till 8 after which they need to be back out in and around Embarcadero and PadyO’s greeting the guest and drumming up business for that night’s show and off-site bar excursion. If they are not escorting a bar trip, they are done at 11 PM. If they do, which is 3 times a week, they are on till at least 1 AM.

    So if you add that up, it’s an easy 75 hour week over 6 days. Or 6 - 12.5 days on average. Their one day off is when they get to pay bills, shop, do laundry, and oh yeah – sleep.

    As for looking a little burned out… well that comes with the territory. I mean, take a look at your day job. How many of you are bright cheerful little rays of sunshine every day, all day, at your work site? Now imagine dealing with some of the folks you have encountered at TTR that are least than pleasant, hung over, or otherwise buzz killers. Is it any wonder that they tend to migrate to those that are upbeat?

    And yeah “let me hear it from everyone from ….” gets a little old after a while but it is a tried and true way to get everyone’s attention and get the crowd at least somewhat involved at the beginning. I’m sure they wish there was another way to do that too.

    So yeah, the current crew is gaining it’s sea legs working together. Give them a little bit of a chance. Jules is outstanding. She is that little ray of sunshine every day, all day. JJ, well JJ is different. He’s good, personable and getting used to the crowd. I like him and he’s getting more comfortable every day. He’s done this before, just getting situated. Roxy.. she new. New to having to be up, involved, bouncy, and the focus of attention all day, every day. I think she will get there. But time will tell. And now they have Amy's shoes to fill.

    Overall though it makes you appreciate the old crew of Chinos, Lalo, and Omar a little more huh. :)

    So as you sit in judgment of the entertainment staff, no matter who they are at the time, always remember that you have the key to their success or failure in how you interact with them. Sitting like a bump on a log makes they job harder. Involvement makes it easier and in turn gives them more energy to be more entertaining for you.

  4. summerbum

    summerbum I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    I think they do an amazing job, especially considering the long hours and the frustration of having to go around the pool day after day, trying to round up participants for the games. It's amazing how everyone expects to be entertained, but sometimes the games are even cancelled because no one will agree to participate.

    And as a teacher, I can relate to how exhausting is to be a "ray of sunshine" amidst demanding, reluctant, and sometimes downright surly clients!

    Teachers survive by having "planning time," though, when we can relax and bounce ideas off each other. I wish the staff had a time during the day when they could brainstorm new games and ideas--that would keep things fresher for both them and the guests. Even if they kept the same contests like Iron Man, etc., it would be more fun for everyone if they had a greater variety of "events" they could mix into those competitions.
  5. sarahlee

    sarahlee Regular Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Lake District UK
    +83 / 0
    My post refers to normal hotel employees like waiters and maids working 8 hour days not the ents staff. My point was that the cast work far too many hours and this has to reflect on there ability to give 100% all the time.
    thanks :icon_razz:
  6. PDXladies

    PDXladies Addict Registered Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Portland OR
    +20 / 0
    I just hope they keep the arm wrestling contest. I want to do it this year.
  7. Edward-Alli

    Edward-Alli Photofucker Registered Member

    May 8, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
    +287 / 7
    well said Mr Mayor, looking forward to seeing the changes next May.
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