Telmex DSL speed test

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Drewbert, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Drewbert

    Drewbert Guest

    +0 / 0
    My DSL is dropping out all the time.

    I've printed out the stats pages off my DSL modem to take down to Telmex to get the techs to look at.

    But I did find this interesting link on the Telemx site...

    Of course they only tell you the downlink speed, because the uplink speed (in my case) is fixed at 384kbps.

    Maybe that's why my video conferencig no longer works :(
  2. Drewbert

    Drewbert Guest

    +0 / 0
    One thing I did just notice - the figure that speed test shows at the end is the PEAK download rate, not the average, so basically it's a marketing tool rather than the truth.
  3. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    That explains why it's higher than any other test I've ever done on my's typically Mexican in having snazzy graphics and next to no useful content. Seems that lots of people in the web world here spend hours and hours making things pretty and all the while they remain useless...

    The opposite of the web developer crowd I know in the States who make powerful web apps with garbage user interface designs...
  4. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    What the hell are you guys talking about? Can you get ebay on this stuff?

    Hey Kell; do you like this one?
  5. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
  6. B & B

    B & B Guru Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Hub of the Niagara Pennisula, Ontario
    +1 / 0
    Try ,not sure how it works in Mexico, but all over Canada and the US it works real well. It'll tell you what ISP you are on, you can confirm, and it will give you a speed test with results available for comparison from people in your area and it also has a chat forum available where you can compare notes with people in the area and on ocassion you will have techs pop in and out that can let you know about node congestion or noise issues and planned resolution dates for your area.
  7. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
  8. Drewbert

    Drewbert Guest

    +0 / 0
    I found the small print for the Prodigy contract, and it's REALLY small print!

    Looking at it...

    1Mbps service only guarantees between 64kbps and 1024kbps down and 64-128kbps up (MNP$401).

    2Mbps guarantees 256kbps - 2048 kbps down and 128-256kbps up (MNP$688).

    To get decent uplink, you have to shell out for 4Mbps which guarantees 2048-4096kbps up and 512 - 1024kbps down but of course THAT costs a staggering MNP$5288/month!

    Telmex 1, Internet User 0.
  9. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
    Likes Received:
    +7,268 / 14
    Yeah upload speed is awful. Thankfully there's very little I upload and most of that is small files.

    Here's another speed test with links you can post in a forum, nearest test server is Guatemala though:

    This is my supposedly 1 Meg connection:
  10. Drewbert

    Drewbert Guest

    +0 / 0
    Choosing Guatemala may not be a good idea because the bottleneck might not be your DSL connection.

    Telmex's link to the "main" part of the intertube is via the NSA's spook room at AT&T in California (MAE West).

    So pick a server in California for a more accurate result.
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