Telemarketing Sales Agents

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Erika in Cancun, Apr 12, 2010.

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  1. gabesz

    gabesz Addict Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    These time share people in many cases are legit businesses. Look at the major hotel chains like Mariott, Hilton, Hyatt, Westin and so on.

    However they bait the clients with deals of either come to Cancun for almost nothing, or while in Cancun we will give you this or that gift. For a tourist on vacation that sounds like a good deal for 90 minutes of your time. Think about $200 or more in some cases for 90 minutes of your time? Do you make that much money? Probably not. So yes you take the bite and go to the presentation. Once there, take the 90 minutes and about 4-5 hours later you want out, but they are not done because the manager has not spoken and given their best offer. Or the exit offer when you do not take the deal. Its non stop hassle from these people and they do not know the meaning of no. Buyer beware indeed, but offer a good deal and buyer forgets the beware part very quickly.

    This is where the problem with these people lies and not so much on the end of the buyer's part.
  2. ToriB

    ToriB Cancuncare Sun Care Advisor Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    Cancun via PHILLY!!!
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    I guess we should just agree to disagree.
    If someone is there for 4-5 hrs, then the sales rep is doing a great job of keeping them interested. You are free to go at any time. You are signing on to give them 90 min. After that time, you have every right to get up, claim your gift and be on your merry way. And that is how it has worked for me every dingle time. And I have gone to the Marriott presentation and my Brother and a couple friends decided to buy, and about 3 of the 7 have regretted it.
  3. drewp

    drewp Guest

    +0 / 0
    I do appreciate all the info. You visit a great place like Cancun and you see yourself enjoying that way of life each and every day. Little do you know about all the corruption, hoops you have to jump through to simply make a living and the goverment laws that prevent you from using your skills to make a living. Unless I think of a novel way to make a web based business that makes it feasible for me to live in Cancun - I'll stay right here in the good old USA.
  4. drewp

    drewp Guest

    +0 / 0
    I have gone on two timeshare presentations and both ran between 3 - 4 hours long. The first one was in Puerto Vallarta and the guy begged me to stay and said his job was on the line and he wanted me to talk to just one more person before I left. I basically walked out after 4 hours. The last one was a month ago at the Omni. The sales pitch was good and slow and I wanted some details so I did not mind it taking nearly 3 hours before I left.

    If I demanded to leave after 90 minutes I would have been half-way through the tour and it was clear that I had to sit down for a sales pitch before I was getting my $200 in credit.

    I'm a professional who is not easily coheresed and I still got "taken" of several hours - what hope does a person who takes the free booze and get's 'talked" into something they really don't understand?
  5. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Cancun, Q Roo.
    +0 / 0
    Tori: I agree that its ultimately ones own decision to purchase or not.

    The problem with Sunset(I only use them as an example as they are the only timeshare company I have and will work for...ever.) was that people who actually said "no", were ignored for the rest of their stay at their respective resorts. Housekeeping, room service and any other requests were ignored completely.

    And also: I only write what I personally have experienced working/slaving/volunteering for them - I could care less if others have been and are happy - it doesn't change MY personal view of the company in question :)

    Ex: Some people love SirLoin Stockade - I don't, it that simple.

    My experience can serve as a "heads up" -ultimately it would obviously be up to the person wanting to work for them or not.

    I don't regret my decision to go with Sunset, as I have learned HEAPS from the experience. In the end - the money lost is experience gained ;)
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Going to lock this one up now. I would have done so before now, but wasnt online at all yesterday.

    Erika has emailed me and I dont think she'll be taking part in the forum in future.
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