I think that if we brought another couple with us that were friends it might take away our motivation to be social and meet new friends and that is one of the things we love about TTR. The people make it special.
We have brought LS friends with us and then we brought my husbands co-worker and his girl friend with us and we did it in the same trip... glutton for punishment we think. The friends we brought with us are returning next Oct with us to celebrate our 25 Wedding Anniversary, they had a great time! The co-worker brought his girl friend and we told them I go topless and she said she would but.... didn't work out that way - and We were both fine with the husbands co-worker seeing the girls so I was not buying any tops! The girlfriend wanted to sight see and shop so they didn't get to participate in much of the fun around the pool. They ended up breaking up 3 days after we returned. He wants to return again. We always tell anyone who wants to go how it is - the good and bad and let them make the decision. Other friends of ours are coming down over Valentines day 2015 - will be their 1st trip there but they should enjoy and have been to Desire before.
Real reason is that my wife's hooters are so pretty that her friends would get jealous. Their husbands would then have to go out and spend lots of $$$$ for "enhancements" and they would probably blame me for all of the extra expenses.
Maybe, but I'm pretty sure they would be a bit Jealous also. AND VERY CURIOUS .Crazy, but in a GOOD way.