Tainted Alcohol in Mexico????

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by LL_Cool_J, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. LL_Cool_J

    LL_Cool_J Guest

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    Maybe that's the difference. I vacation alone, so my little excursions have a different dynamic than what would be normally desirable to a couple. Frankly, in my world, it's never the resort that defines the vacation. My best times have always been had off-premises is some of the craziest hole in the walls. I'm not saying that TTR is good or bad. I'm just saying that the world is a big place, and I have to experience as much of it as I can while I can. :)
  2. pmNY

    pmNY Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Thanks Steve. There is a recent report in the US that 43% of the alcohol served in Mexico (not just Cancun) is made from "bootlegged" alcohol, and made with grain alcohol, etc. I guess what everyone on this forum wants to know is if you know what the management of TTR and Desire does or plans to do to prevent and make sure that their suppliers are not selling and they are not purchasing "bootlegged" alcohol. It would make sense if they (Original) plans on releasing a statement regarding this. I realize you don't work for them but just thought you may have some info on this.
  3. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    This is a GREAT question...I hope LL Cool J will enlighten us...please do.
    We are awaiting opening new TTR in the Dominican Republic in 2018 to give it a try.
  4. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    Got any specifics?
    We are always looking for these unicorn spots!
    Might wait until your first visit before passing judgment as a "do not return" or "one and done".
    Heck, if you are like most of us it may be your only vacation spot for the rest of your life...well when you want to have the time of your life!
  5. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    I don't like how this is getting sensationalized. I mean it was one of the main stories on the national news tonight (abc was the one I was watching). And they presented it as a very serious risk. However, I also don't like how some are so quick to write it off as people having too much to drink and basically refute others experiences without having any first hand knowledge.

    i think there is a little bit of everything going on here. And I stress little bit. But cutting through all the crap what causes me some concern is the quality of alcohol points. Is there bootlegging occurring where some are trying to save a buck or two and it results in some bottles not having the right controls? Methanol, grain, etc causing bad reactions? I am no expert but it does make me think twice because I can control how much I drink, I also protect our drinks but there really is nothing I can do about suppliers taking short cuts and using vendors who are trying to make an extra buck. Hopefully the good that comes out of this is a little more oversite and controls. I am sure this news being sensationalized will create some action whether it is warranted or not. And we will be better off as a result. I am sure no one wants to risk a decrease in tourism dollars
  6. Chris & Riley

    Chris & Riley Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2017
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    Just drink beer, same every delicious drop!
  7. J.P. & LISA

    J.P. & LISA Addict Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    :):p:cool:you always have to be alert and watch out for yourself and others I've been going to Temptations for about 10 years twice a year and have never had any problems we all have to take care of each other and be alert Temptations reputation is very important to them they would never risk it they want you to have positive and great times so you'll keep returning every year
  8. LadynTramp

    LadynTramp I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I am very convinced there is something different about the alcohol at primary resorts in Cancun! But..........the alcohol tastes odd and seems watered down.......not jacked up.

    Mrs and I have both been ruffied..........mine....I'm sure was intended for her. A horrible feeling that lasted a couple days. Horrible experience. Neither of our tainted drinks happend in Cancun.
  9. BaldSimon

    BaldSimon Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Hamilton. New Zealand. Feel free to google it!
    +10 / 0
    I have a good friend now living in Mexico, we discussed this a while ago. His opinion/experience was that the smaller liquor or convenience stores are a risk of poor alcohol, he's ended up with it alot of times, its probably a fairly widespread practice. So buy your booze at bigger reputable stores if off the resort.
    Any of the larger chain-owned resorts and also larger reputable nightclubs, I would guess they would use authentic name-brand alcohol, the liquor companies would probably keep an eye on this to protect their brand. I doubt the quality resorts would resort to this to improve profit (haw haw). Same with, say, Senor Frogs, or whatever.
    I bet they do water down the non-premium bar spirits sometimes, but hey, as long as it's clean water, it's probably doing most a favor! ;)

    Being a live music fan and musician, I have ended up in some very 'interesting' clubs, bars, dives, and shit-holes over the last 20 years and downed some pretty vile brews, been drugged a couple of times. My own rules are to not drink too much if on my own or with company Im not 100% sure on, and buy name brand bottled beer. But even so... the best laid plans, etc. :eek: Have seen a few bad things from dodgy spirits and drugs with punters, especially non-locals out on the loose. Have even ended up asking people back to my room a couple of times where I was a bit worried about them, which has sometimes been interesting the next morning! Some were almost a certainty to be robbed or worse. It never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of some people tho - I remember a trio of young Aussie girls, almost legless, taking snaps with their newish iphones, flash handbags, doing rounds or tequila with the locals in a crazy little backstreet bar. Luckily (for them) being a kiwi I was able to get talking to them and persuade them to get out of there before they got too wasted. I got some pretty black looks from some locals, I tell ya!

    Nowadays I can afford it, if I'm going a holiday and planning on cutting loose, I get the best insurance that my broker can find. It is sooo worth it, especially in countries with poor healthcare where money buys service, and even for all the unknowns that can happen when travelling.
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  10. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I'm pretty sure all of the hotels and big clubs strive to ensure proper alcohol. It may be cheap in many cases, but not intentionally adulterated. I'm actually surprised how many have detailed ISO9001 procedures in place, with third party testing etc.

    Most problems, I think, come from poorly paid staff trying to make a few extra bucks. Maybe diluting Premium bottles with cheap stuff, or water. Then using the 'good stuff' they saved to sell off. Obviously doing it without their employers knowledge, there are a ton of different ways they could take advantage to make extra money- and many do.

    But I can't see them internationally harming people, just doesn't make sense. I can't see any benefit to them in drugging someone.
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    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
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