I was hoping it would not pop up in Cancun but since it has we R calling our trip off.Enough to make a grown man cry!!!!! If we would have already been there & they anouned that it was in Cancun that would be different . We think that Kats employer would look at the trip as being irresponsible & may not want her to come back to work if this thing gets worst. And God fobid we did come back & gave it to a family member ,co worker R anyone as far as that goes. So its more than just not worring about ourselves. It really does not sound like alot of fun having to wear a mask & staying 6 feet away from everyone at the sexy pool & worring the whole time about catching it. U have no way of knowing who has been in contact with who , maybe a employ has someone staying with them who has been in Mexico City. SOMEONE PLEASE CONVINCE US THAT WE R OVERREACTING
I totally hear everything that you are saying and understand your concerns BUT if we worried about everything we should and shouldn't do what kind of life would we lead. Maybe wait it out till Tuesday before you make a definate decision to cancel? We may know more (for better or worse) by then...........just a thought, Cancun won't be the same without you
Well there are many people in this world so that is not very many, we had sars that was in control very fast I work in service and am very worred but .. have waited for this trip . We will be alot more carefull then before .. Hard call? Dont know if this helps we leave the 28
Thats too bad...we are still planning on going! Unless something major happens in the next couple of days we will be there with bells on... It would be interesting to hear what the word is att he resort right now on this topic!
B&C, Will wait & see maybe everything will work out, besides after 10 trips to Mexico this is the first time we did'nt get insurance so I'm in no hurry to call & cancel. It would be nice to hear from Tequila Ken on how it is at the resort. thanks Tmac
I agree, it would be nice to hear from Ken/resort to know what's going on there. We don't have insurance either (prob would have cancelled cos of the ruptured disc, lol), but hopefully things will settle down, all will be well, and we will see you Thursday for rainbow shots.....................good luck!
The out break is in Mexico City a long ways from Cancun, I think, we in the southeast US may be as closer to Cancun than those in Mexico city. Dont worry about it for at least for the next few months, it would effect us more by the folks that crossing the boarder than us going to Cancun. Terry
Tmac, I spent all afternoon watching this on the news and the press conference out of Washington. I did not hear anything about Cancun at all. Guess it is a personal choice based on what you percieve the risk to be versus the possible consequences if one were to come into contact with the swine flu. You have to do what feels right for you. As a side note, all cases reported in Canada and the US are considered mild and not even close to life threatening (as of 1400 hrs to day at least). It was just a fluke that 4 0f the 6 cases in Canada were discovered since the symptoms were less than a normal flu...picked up because the testing didn't match a known strain of flu so they were sent off for further analysis and was discoverd just yesterday. Those 4 affected are now much better. Like the news said...their symptoms were far less than a normal flu. Hope this helps...I can understand where you are coming from. Probably a lot of ppl in the same boat right now. Janice and I are still going at this point (14-25 May). Since you said you don't have trip insurance this time, you can defer your decision to cancel right upto your departure day. Wait and see? Scott
tmac not sure where you got your information about swine flu in cancun as there have been no cases reported in that province as of today. there have been cases confirmed in both texas and kansas (both of these are much closer to us) and dallas is almost as close to mexico city as cancun is while tonya and i are very concerned and are monitoring the situation. today we do not feel as though there is a large enough threat to warrant us canceling heck if i did chicks without condoms for 6 years and did not catch an std i think i can certainly skirt through this as there is less than a fraction of a chance of even catching it in mexico city much less cancun........ .....truth be known (we probably have a bigger chance of catching it staying here (confirmed cases in texas and kansas) than going to a place where there have not been any confirmed cases. rob