swine flu "end of days" party starts 4/30

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by diamondheaded, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. pandorareigns

    pandorareigns Regular Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    Too late to add 2 for the booze cruise?

    Hey, is it toooooo late for you to add my hubi Matt and I for the day of drunkin debauchary (yeah, so I can't spell) Becky (aka Cliff & Rebecca) told me it's you I have to sweet talk and that you may just have 2 openings left.

    I promise we play well with others and, if we bite, we've both had all our shots. AND- Just out of curiousity, you boys didn't take a Carnival Cruise a few years ago and show up to the lifeboat drill dressed as R-rated Speedo wearin superheros? Cause if so, not only is it a small world, but damn, do I have some pics to show you!

    Lusting for sun;
  2. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    Re: Too late to add 2 for the booze cruise?

    omg i forgot all about that - holy sh&*

    T is going to die when i tell her that there are more pics from the cruise

    was carnival november of 06 i think

    how could anyone remember us..............lmao

    it was actually not a speedo but tonyas bikini bottom - she would not get naked so i told her if she did not then i was going to embarass her and take them off - so she said fine - you take him off you wear em

    as you can see ..... i did and wore them the whole day - and the fish man took her top

    its a very small world indeed and you my friends are about to beome the next contestant on............LETS MAKE A DEAL

    send us the pics and you are on the boat - fair enough ? :)

    would be so cool to see them

    here is what i remember - and its not much - lol


    t's bottom


    me and the fish man sliding down the kids slide


    getting raped by sr frog

    will be so cool to see you guys again

    T will be expecting you two guys to do a tag team body shot on her :cool: - after barbie doll shows you how :shock: -

    you guys have to help me make sure T dont get into too much trouble - K? its a f'n given that people are going to do body shots on her and im not completely okay with it but she has a mind of her own - and - besides - when i get drunk and have to mess with that bitch tim all day (making sure he is wearing t's dallas cowboy bikini, getting spankings, lap dances, and such) - i cant possibly keep an eye on her all the time so help me limit her fun to just body shots :wink:

    and now we are officially full and we got all the music ready (but if you have a suggestion and it does not suck like bachman turner overdrive did/does) i just might add it

    cant wait to see the pics guys!!!

    t is gong to freak :)

  3. Beck

    Beck I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2008
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    Re: Too late to add 2 for the booze cruise?

    LMAO - what a small world........................it just gets better and better lol
  4. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    Re: Too late to add 2 for the booze cruise?

    just bizarre

    i mean that was almost three years ago

    and that they got pics of us

    i had forgotten all about it and then i looked through the pics and there we were lol

    i hope they did not get any of us partying with the carnival casino staff at sr. frogs :shock: - some of them might lose jobs lol
  5. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    T says it may not have been them

    oh well she is always right

    they can still join us either way

    as we curt and barb are going to need a hand supervising the body shots


    this does fill up the birthday booze cruise fer sho

  6. pandorareigns

    pandorareigns Regular Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    How many speedo wearin super heroes are there?

    Nope, definately not the right group. Our super heroes were captained by a guy in a purple leopard print speedo that had a heart shaped see through patch in the ass right above which he had a furry cat tail. One of the others had a mostly normal speedo, except that it was bright yellow and had a worlly gig over his bits and pieces...
    But I'm thinkin they were a like minded group and God were they fun every time they showed up. Much, (I'm assuming) like your motley crew. Looking forward to the cruise, the body shots and most especially the drunkin lesivious debauchery (once again, I don't spell no good) Thanks for making us feel all warm fuzzy and included.
  7. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    oh well welcome on board anyways

    the booze cruise is adult only and it is a private charter and only the people going are people from temptations and cancuncare and this thread (and we are booked full now)

    we are celebrating two birthdays that day (kancun kelly and tim) and we will just kinda go with the flow other than a stop on the isle for lunch and games - will try and keep it a booze cruise and not a picnic, snorkeling advneture or an island tour as the birthday people have indicated they want a booze cruise and celebration

    since it is a private charter we are not held down to the requirements of a normal booze cruise - so we can do pretty much whatever we like - ill get with our cruise director (cancuncare.com site owner - steve and his wife janet - who will also be stayin with us at temptations saturday and sunday :lol: ) to come up with a general plan in the coming weeks and will forward on the information

    in the meantime if you are curious what some of our previous booze cruises look like - feel free to go to the temptationpics/fotki web site and look at some from our crazy time in september

    you will need to get the password from me at robandtonyacummins@yahoo.com - these are the juicy pics :wink:

    THESE PICS ARE ONLY VIEWABLE TO THOSE GOING ON THE BOOZE CRUISE so please dont ask for the passwords otherwise - unless i know you and can trust you - or - you have pics posted on that site as well

    also the toy swap is open to all couples or single girls - really simple bring a toy wrapped in animal print of your choice (no more the $25 us dollars) and we will do a blind swap of all the toys after the casino lingerie night party on thursday
  8. holm_fan

    holm_fan Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    WOOHOO finally got caught up on everyones chat! Welcome Christine and Christine's honey! It will be such a sweet surprise to meet everyone! Just made it through another good ole North Dakota blizzard, so our vacation can only come sooner rather than later!
    Hope everyone is having a super March~ :)
  9. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    okay guys a quick look at whats up

    thursday afternoon - rainbow seminar in sexy pool


    thursday night - casino night


    thursday night toy swap
    (check out the look on t's face - what happens when you get a big willy)


    friday - booze cruise


    saturday - sexy pool games/ho tub and sexy jinga


    saturday afternoon - break the hot tub record (75 people minimum)


    saturday night - bulldog cafe - for those who wish to go


    sunday - more sexy pool fun


    sunday night - coco bongo

  10. DavenRose

    DavenRose I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    Be sure to get a good count of your hottub record because we will need to reclaim our title the next week!!!
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