This whole idea of hogging chairs really disappoints me. For a place that's supposed to be so chill and open minded you would think those type of people would also be fair and generous not selfish. How about we adopt a first come first serve sharing attitude? I'd be really offended if I came for five days and never once was able to sit in a lounger by the pool because I wasn't willing to sneek down at 4am and stick a shirt over a chair! Come on that's just a dick move. How about you sit your ass in that chair at 4 or 5am and stay there if you want it all day. Fux sake grow up
It's humerous how people posture and pose about chairs before a trip and then you don't hear much in TRs and when people return. If you aren't willing to play the silly game then don't but you can't really complain when others do. It's imperfect but it happens everywhere. If you come late find a friend and stash your stuff there, you'll be in the pool most of the time anyway. Enjoy your trip, chances are not finding a chair will not be remembered with all the fun you're having
I have no issues sharing my chair with others.. you're more then welcome to use it if I'm not lol I dont understand why that would be an issue seeing there arent enough loungers for all the guests and it's not like we all want to use them at the same time anyhow.. I just like knowing I have one when I want it.. So it's either I wake up early which I always do anyhow and save one, or I end up without so I'd rather play the game and save one
True about having fun and all but I damn well will complain about the people that choose to "play the game" its wrong immoral and shitty. If you are just making a trip to the bar or bathroom that's one thing but if you are reserving a chair hours before anyone is at the pool or for hours that you're not there you are just being a selfish inconsiderate dick and one of the problems with society that thinks cut throat all about me tactics are the way to get what you want in this world, congratulations you win at life you're going to hell. Nobody wants to be that person lets all just be nice and share the chairs.
I'm doing what was mentioned above - if I can find someone I've met to sit on their chair a bit, awesome. If not, I may just use until someone comes along and says "hey! That's my chair!" lol Rome will likely get up at the freaking ass crack of dawn to go stir peoples morning coffee but I'm taking advantage of the other kid-free wonderment - sleeping in!! Might get up to eat but then I'm going back to bed! So, don't really want Rome to save a chair for me while I'm off sleeping since I agree with above - why save it for hours and hours that I know for a fact I won't be using it??
Wow, someone needs a vacation. How about you bitch about it once you actually been there instead of complaining about something you have never even experienced? Or just continue telling other people how they should act to please you without seeing the irony of your comments.
weird everyone is happy jumping into a jacuzzi tubs all together but not share a lounger? Hell you can share mine with or without me on it. preferred me on it. lol
Lol I'm sorry if my strong opinions offend. I don't have to have been there to know what's wrong or right or what will piss someone off. I have experienced this type of shit other places and I don't care how you slice it, expecting to own a community chair for the day because you left your shit in it and disappeared for hours is fucking wrong! Now that being said I'll pull my butt plug out and buy you a shot at the bar. I do need a vacation damn! Oh and it's not how you should act to please me it's just how you should act. For everyone's sake