I was just looking through my Myspace friends and i just realised that sweetness has not been on Myspace since 1st Jan so i decide to look and see if she comes on here and she has not since Jan 2nd... Where is she? its like a mini mystery!
the last time i heard from her she was telling me that she would be partying harder than all of us... maybe she got lost during practise.... :?
No i dont know her that well lol i was just surprised to see a total lack of internet presence! I know it sounds morbid but she might well you know not be on this earthly plain anymore?!
she went away for some military thing last we spoke..man i'm miosin her,a bit worried..thought she might have stayed in touch...nobody heard from her?? i was talkin to her everyday for ages.. Matty
Maybe she was never real? like Mace.....just a random person using a fake identity? Matty did you ever get her real name?