I think the obstacle course/puzzle solving was a repeat as well :!: :!: I am really irritated that they merged already :evil: What was the point :?: :?:
Thought for sure Cowboy (Cao Boi) was going home since he fell first in the challenge. I think the merge saved him because he was annoying his original tribemates and with merge had new people to talk up to. Anyone in a work pool? My hubby actually has Cao Boi for his pick, don't think his odds are very good . . . Early favorite for me is JP.
the merge had to happen.... splitting air time between 4 camps can't go on for very long .... you don't get to know the "characters"... if you don't know them then you don't care what happens to them and you stop watching. it's all about making sure you're vested in the characters. The curly haired hispanic guy needs to go though. He's a weasle