SURVEY: Real Titties or FAKE?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Northern funseeker, Apr 18, 2014.


Real or fake?

  1. Real

    112 vote(s)
  2. Fake

    69 vote(s)
  3. Its her personality that matters

    54 vote(s)
  4. Prefer a pretty smile, great legs and an Ass like J Lo

    46 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. CanadianThrill

    CanadianThrill Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Ontario Canada
    +0 / 0
    Massaging isn't always necessary. My doctor put in drains to eliminate any firmness which would develop.

    Quote for my doctors website: "Regardless of the type of implant, or the type of incision, we always insert a drain into each breast at the end of the operation. We feel that any bleeding into the breast pocket can result in firmness (capsular contracture) and distortion of the breasts over time. Studies have shown that most patients will develop at least 100 cc of bleeding in the pockets after breast augmentation. The drains will remove this bleeding, eliminating this potential problem. These drains are usually left in place for 3-4 days. They are then removed in our office. "

    Basically it was a tube with a little squeeze bottle at the end. Throughout the day the blood would drip into the bottle. This was a really disgusting process 2-3 times a day I would have to empty the drains. Thankfully Dave was around to do this for me.

    I have to say I have not experienced any firmness or hardness in my new boobs, (8 months post-op)
  2. kandl

    kandl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I think the loss of sensitivity can be more prevalent if you go under the muscle as I did.It is easier to interfere with the nerve endings that way, however they seem to look more natural that way. I would not change that.
    My dr was very skilled and the incision is place perfectly in the fold and can not be seen.
    Sometimes during the first six months they appear rock hard or misplaced, but they usually settle in nicely. So if they dont look right they may just be new.
  3. sillyleo

    sillyleo I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    +17 / 0
    I was thinking that, too.
  4. HotAUfans

    HotAUfans Regular Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2014
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    This is just my opinion. I realize it's probably not shared by everyone.

    I LOVE the way a a great looking natural breast looks. YES, even smaller ones. I'm a nipple snob in general, but I personally think that MOST boob jobs look better with the clothes on than the clothes off.

    To me, tits are a "if it ain't broke...". If you've got unattractive boobs, I totally get it. If you've got some serious asymetrical stuff happening, I totally get it.

    But to me, a slightly imperfect (too small, sag a little, a little flat.. whatever) set of breasts that are natural are SOOO much more attractive.

    I think too many ladies feel the pressure to get them because too many ladies get them.

    Some boob jobs are pretty fantastic. But to me, it's 1 out of every 7 boob jobs that I can say that about. Not a great ratio for success in my opinion.

    -Mr. HotAUfans
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  5. HotAUfans

    HotAUfans Regular Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2014
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    South East US
    +1 / 0
    I never knew yours were fake Kat.. ;)
  6. sillyleo

    sillyleo I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    +17 / 0
    I will partially agree with you. I semi regret getting them only because I really didn't NEED them. But I do like how they look in my slut clothes a lot better than what my natural boobs had turned into post breast feeding two kids. So...shrug. What's done is done! Lol
  7. j3

    j3 Guru Registered Member

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Smoky Hills of Tennessee
    +43 / 0
    Don't worry be Happy !! And by the way Santa Clause was fake and everybody love him!!!
  8. kmontoya

    kmontoya I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2009
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    west jordan utah
    +133 / 0
    I got mine redone after 20 years. I went larger, but again under the muscle. I also am very wide in the chest area. I got 8oocc saline, a friend of mine went 500cc and she is much larger than me. but she was a b to start with and me well a, and a small one at that. I don't have any problems with too hard or swooshing noises, ect. but I strongly believe that the surgeon has everything to do with your outcome!! here in Utah I paid 3900 we have a lot of double board cert. surgeons so the cost is really low compared to a lot of states!
  9. MelnReg

    MelnReg I can choose my own title Registered Member

    May 23, 2011
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    Prince Edward Island
    +29 / 0
    Wife perspective: we have both seen some bad looking boob jobs at TTR. Some that stick out like balloons and don't look natural at all and others that have really bad scarring. I know one girl that had hers done here and you can see the ripple from the implant. Ya know like a bag of milk? On the other hand have seen some very natural looking ones that you would never know were fake. I would say DO YOUR RESEARCH and ask for references.

    Husbands perspective: natural all the way. Although I don't like my "au natural" he says he wouldn't want it any other way.:flash::liebe011:
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yes, when you get lean and you have Saline it's quite likely that you will see the ripple on the seam of the implant. That is another reason silicone is often preferred over Saline. If you're naturally A lean person or have thin skin, silicone is recommended.
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