Easy people hope everyones cool Me and a few boys heading out there from london, england for summer break, would love to be out there for spring break but our season hasn't finished yet. We're going on june 17 for 2 weeks. Anyone know what its like around then, or anyone gonna be there. Gimme a shout people x
Re: summer break roll call! June 17th - July 2nd! Whos About alright mate,3 essex boys gonna be out there from june 18th for two weeks,where you staying?we're staying at barcelo costa.
essex decent man! im stayin at dos playas..aint meanta be the best but o well! lookin forward to it man...where in essex u from pal..im always in faces lol!
stayed at Dos Playas this past Spring Break.....you def. get what you pay for. A tip of advice, when you check in, throw them a couple extra bucks and they wont give you a rags room....from what I hear there are some pretty bad ones, we apparently got a decent one....but it was still pretty small. Buffet food is the same thing everyday, and if you get around to it, go down the beach and talk to Peter in the little hut. Go on the jungle tour, because hes going to hound you til you do hahah. Also, the bartender during the day is the man, chat him up and he'll hook you up with some stronger drinks than some of the others that work there.
yh i heard u get what u pay for but..its meanta be near everything and thats what the main thing was..i mean we got it for £645 which is about $1300 all inclusive 2 weeks so we couldnt say no!
we got free AI somehow haha dont think they read our itinerary right and yes its in a top location, very short bus rides