Stupid Cell Phone law going into effect....

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Life_N_Cancun, Mar 13, 2010.

  1. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Technically if you are here with an FM3 you are supposed to be registered with RNE. I think you got your FM3 while in the US? If so, that explains why getting registered in the RNE database didn't happen automagically.

    They do charge a fee, I think, but when you first get an FM2/3 here that is one of the fees they make you pay, so you don't realize you are taking this separate step. If you get your FM2/3 from a Mexican Consulate elsewhere then they cannot put you in the RNE db, because you have to be here to do that.

    Now that you bring this up I remember that I had to be in the RNE db to get my CURP, that makes sense. Sorry.
  2. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yes, we got our FM3s in the US, and renewed them 4 times without an RNE. After Maurice got rolling on our 5th, we asked him to handle the RNE (as a result of discussions on this board) when he picked up our books. The price didn't change from the original, so either it's a no cost procedure or he absorbed the cost. I'm going with no cost because I don't think he would absorb it, but I could be wrong
  3. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Hmmm, or they may have stopped charging for it. Or I smoked altogether too much pot when I was in my formative years and am remembering wrong...hehe.
  4. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    I got another message today warning me to register by the 10th and my balance still says it will expire on the 9th... why do I get the feeling the Telcel is going to be screwing me and millions of other customers out of our balances in a few days...

    This is the message I got today for the second time:

    "Estimade usuario, por Ley debes registrar tu linea celular en RENAUT antes del 10-abr-02010, no te desconectes. Info *264"

    I guess I'll try to register again even thou I though it went through the first time. If its been extended by 6 months Telcel didn't seem to notice... or care.
  5. CancunGringa

    CancunGringa Guest

    +0 / 0
    Yep, I did originally get my FM3 from a consulate in the U.S. so that explains no RNE number in my FM3.

    I just spoke to Mauricio Mendoza, immigration attorney extraordinaire (he just finished up another pleasant and hassle free FM3 renewal for me a couple of weeks ago :icon_biggrin:) and he said there is no charge for the RNE and, in fact, is going to handle getting the RNE for me since I just did my renewal with him. yay.
  6. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    In spite of the article posted earlier about the deadline for registering being extended, everything I am reading--including today's paper--says it is NOT being extended. I will keep reading.
    This one from today's paper says they are even trying to figure out how to reactivate the phones that will be disconnected on April 11, 2010 (3 days from today!).
    And my translation of "...el presidente del órgano regulador informó que la Cofetel vigilará que se den de baja las líneas telefónicas que no se hayan registrado hasta el próximo 10 de abril".

    is: ...the president of the regulating agency stated that Cofetel will make sure that the the phone lines not registered by April 10 will be disconnected.

    Another article from another paper--this one in English:
    From the article: "The law cannot be flexible and Cofetel will make sure that all carriers suspend the cell phone lines of those who do not register by Saturday April 10, when the deadline expires, Héctor Osuna Jaime, head of the Cofetel, said on Wednesday."
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2010
  7. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    The sign at the CURP office speaks of your "numero expediente", and there is a line for this number in your FM3.

    I got mine, for free, by asking at the immigration office. The number I'm referring to begins with the letters, "CUN", I suppose for those of us living in Cancun.

    They got the number and entered it in my FM3. It took some time, so they suggested I come back later, the same day, after 2 PM (yes, the office closes at 1 PM, but not for all operations: I've had some services performed there as late as 4 PM).

    I, too, was unable to register using a text message, but found it quick and easy to register online, when I tried (I do have a CURP, however).

    Jenlieb, I don't know if this is going to work with you out of Mexico, but here goes. Click on the link in the first post of this thread, which reads "are here". Then, click on "como realizo registro". Near the top of the page, you will see, "haz click aqui": click on "aqui". This will lead you to a page where you enter your cell phone number and email address. If it works, out of Mexico, they will send a PIN number to your cell phone, which you will then use to register it.

    Follow the directions in the website, once you have your PIN number, if it comes through. Good luck! It should be easy- if you get the PIN- to register online, as it was for me.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2010
  8. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    I am suffering from an extreme senior moment. Can you post the direct link to the page that allows you to register on line? We have 3 cell phones. 2 registered via the SMS message system. On the third phone, I have sent the ALTA.CURP message twice and have had no reply.
  9. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    I'll try, Mixz1. Registro Nacional de Usuarios de Telefonía Móvil

    Nope, didn't exactly work. Open that page, then click on "como realizo el registro", then click on "aqui", near the top, to get you moving toward the alternative, online registration page. (You'll be given a choice, later in the process, about whether you want to register online, I believe.)

    Just walked through the process, again, to see if there were any likely "snags" people would run into: didn't find any, and at the end, got the message that my request could not be completed (because my phone was already registered).

    Good luck to any who still need to do this: with my two cell phones, each time I tried to register- using a text message- it failed. I'm glad they offered this alternative, online, process.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2010
  10. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
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