Stupid Cell Phone law going into effect....

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Life_N_Cancun, Mar 13, 2010.

  1. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Cancun, Q Roo.
    +0 / 0
    @V: Well, I first tried with the SMS, then online, and since THAT didnt work, I called and I guess I rocked the girls world as she couldn't understand how I only have one last name.

    Anyways, its all good now, except my wife will get blamed if someone(or me... hehehe) uses my phone for illicit purposes. ;)

    And like I said: This is the ONLY time I have had any sort of "trouble" with my name/id-papers here...

    INM, Police etc. have all accepted my other means of identification, so Im guessing(ta-dah!) that its plain and common incompetence form this girl whom we spoke to.
  2. kathy_caribe

    kathy_caribe Addict Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    QR, Mexico
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    Yeah, I've run into this at City Club (of all places) and I just told them to use whatever name combinations they watned to to fill in their form. So they added my husband's last name in with mine and were happy. :)
  3. kathy_caribe

    kathy_caribe Addict Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    QR, Mexico
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    The folks over on the Cozumel board (cozumelmycozumelsomething) have had excellent success getting tourist phones registered over there without a CURP. I don't remember exactly what they did (since I have a CURP) but it might be worth a gander for your friends.
  4. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thanks. For those interested the URL is Registering of Mexican Cellphones - Cozumel My Cozumel Discussion Forums

    As for "excellent success", I didn't do a numerical analysis, but their results mirror those on this board, i.e. a mixed bag of "it was easy" to "it doesn't work".

    According to the posters on the Cozumel board the preferred method for those without an FM or CURP is to trot the phone into Telcel and have them do the registration. It appears that the Telcel office on Cozumel is quite cooperative. Let's assume the same holds true or Cancun.
  5. jenleib

    jenleib Addict Registered Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Hi V, could you please tell me how to register online? It is my only option since I am not in Mexico. I have a CURP though, and for the detail, like many of you, I have only one last name (which is not my father's :D). I think they have all given up on understanding that, and put "X" as second name (TELMEX, TELCEL, CFE etc...).

    I went to the site "Mi Telcel", I can't see this option anywhere. I would really appreciate the info. Thanks.
  6. TomT

    TomT Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Here's an interesting bit of information...I found this reference on another expat board, which references this site: La Cofradía Digital

    There's a post there that says you can easily get CURP information about many government officials, and the poster suggests registering your phone using President Calderon's information!!! It even shows pdf's from the government site that searches for your CURP.

    Not sure that I'm up for trying it, but it's kind of funny how lame-brained this idea of registering phones is...and how easy it is to get around it.

    I've got an FMT, and when I got a SIM in September, I had to go into the Telcel office on Tulum with my passport in order to get it working. I know it's probably not the same thing as needing the CURP, but there's a real big part of me that's hoping it is.
  7. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thats right! The Mexican "CURP" is publicly accessible information! Anyone could register a phone in anyone's name they want...

    Unless they are going to require in person registrations (not withstanding false ID's and corruption among those tasked to take registration information) there is no way to even remotely assure that the phones belong to the people associated with them. Even if they could somehow make sure that every phone in the country was properly registered.. I doubt the criminals will have any trouble stealing phones to use. Any criminal stupid enough to use their own would likely be caught before that connection was made anyway.

    This will result will be wasted police resources... (chasing down innocent people)
    Politicians having more information about you... (after accessing the info)
    Criminals (other than politicians) having more information about you.... (after stealing/buying the info)
    and telemarketers having more information about you.. (after buying the info)

    It's a stupid and potentially harmful law used to get some politicians elected as most laws today are both here and in the US. I'm irritated about it as its one more thing that can be difficult for us ex-pats to get squared away and just the generally idiocy of it.... but in any event Viva Mexico! :biggrinbandit:
  8. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Looks like they've extended the deadline to register your cell phone by another 6 months:
    Cell phone registration deadline is extended - Mexico - The News

    This is interesting:
    Looks like this is the site to register online:
    Secretaría de Gobernación
  9. CancunGringa

    CancunGringa Guest

    +0 / 0
    The text message method using name/birthdate doesn't work for me. The only 2 people I know of on FM3s who were able to do this without a CURP are registered with Hacienda, so I'm guessing that enters you into the CURP database, even though one friend said her Hacienda number is a couple of digits off from the confirmation text message she got that included her CURP number. So if you've got a number from Hacienda, this may work for you without the CURP.

    The only thing I can see you can do online is look up your CURP number, and possibly register your phone if you have a CURP, but nothing to register your phone without a CURP. Am I missing something?

    I have been to the CURP office 3 times. The first time, after waiting in line for about 30 minutes, the system went down and they sent us all away. :angrymad:

    The second time I went, the system was down AGAIN, but they told me they could do it by hand if I didn't mind waiting 15-30 minutes. They then looked at my documents and told me my FM3 Rentista needed a number from the "Registro nacional de Extranjeros" filled in on page 6 of my FM3 and that I would need to go to Migracion first. :angrymad: She said it's NOT the number of the FM3 book printed at the top of the page, but a different number filled in there, which is blank in my FM3. Another friend with a FM3 Rentista also does not have that number.

    The third time I went to CURP, the office was closed, even though it was during hours their web site said they were open (perhaps due to semana santa?) :angrymad:

    My question... has anyone without that number from the "Registro nacional de Extranjeros" filled in on page 6 of the FM3 been able to get a CURP without going to immigration first? I'd like to avoid banging my head against that particular wall if at all possible.
  10. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    It seems as though the deeper we get into the original timeline, the longer the lines will get. My wife and I waited less than ten minutes to get our CURPs a couple of weeks ago.

    For others reading this thread, request your RNE number when you apply or renew your FM. It takes less than 30 seconds to get one issued. If you don't already have an RNE, it's a zero impact process to get one other than the wait at Migracion.
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