Stupid Cell Phone law going into effect....

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Life_N_Cancun, Mar 13, 2010.

  1. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    ??? more likely you do have a "curp" somehow and your information was matched to it.. but who knows.... perhaps INM is assigning them now automatically?
  2. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I think that hubby once explained to me that the CURP is something that can be figured out if you know enough info about a person. Mine has the first two letters of my first last name, then an X because I don't have a legal second last name (I don't use mommy's last name), then it has the first initial of my first name, then my birth date...but after than I don't understand where all the numbers and letters come from. I think they have to do with where you were born.

    Point is that I *think* your entire CURP is taken from info about whether you have one officially assigned or not it's the same number. I'm not positive I'm right, but that was my understanding. Maybe one of our more Mexican posters can explain this better?
  3. Susan in Cancun

    Susan in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0

    I've never gone through the process of getting a CURP so I don't know who assigned it...but I seem to have one now, as far as Telcel is concerned.
  4. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I did some research on CURPs. Susan hasn't given enough info to have a CURP automatically assigned, from what I can see. So I think that you must be able to register your phone without having a CURP (as HeatandSun did).

    There's info about what each character in the CURP stands for here (in Spanish): ¿Que significa cada letra y numero del CURP? - Yahoo! Respuestas

    All but the last two characters come from your unique personal data. The last two are numbers which are assigned to avoid duplicates. The CURP uses elements of your names, your gender, your birthday, and your place of birth and/or nationality.
  5. Epic

    Epic Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2010
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    You can look up your curp online, you need to do a bit of googleing but its quite easy, i needed a copy for ULSA and found it online in minutes... You might have not been issued the CURP Document but probably already have one that was automaticly generated when the CURP Protocol was launched
  6. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    You would have to throw the phone away. It's not the SIM card that's being registered, it's the phone's unique identifier or IMEI. You can find yours under the battery or on the inside of the phone's back cover.

    International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI) - A unique 15-digit number that serves as the serial number of the GSM handset. The IMEI appears on the label located on the back of the phone. The IMEI is automatically transmitted by the phone when the network asks for it. A network operator might request the IMEI to determine if a device is in disrepair, stolen or to gather statistics on fraud or faults
  7. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Uhmm... no I dont think so.. not with telcel's amigo prepaid phones.... I've swapped sim cards thru various phones the sim will work in any unlocked or telcel phone without issue. Perhaps they are automatically logging each phone's IMEI with each call but the registering is with the sim otherwise you'd have to do it again every time you switched phones... but for that matter you can get a prepaid phone for $25 so not a big issue if you have a nefarious intent.

    PS: You can also change a phones identifier with the right software... I did it for my old Motorola.
  8. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    I don't understand your point. All you're saying is that your SIM works in any unlocked phone. The carrier, be it Telcel or anybody else immediately knows that this particular SIM is being used in a phone of this particular IMEI. The point is that the data consisting of the time and date of the call is indexed with the SIM serial and IEMI of the equipment used to make the call. This "dumb" registration may be making note of the SIM but it really wants the IMEI.

    The fact that the SIM works cross platform is immaterial. And yes, the $25 phone is the criminal/terrorist dream weapon, for threats, extortion and triggering IED's.

    One last point: All of us hackers have messed with an IMEI. If you wind up changing to a number that's already in use it can have interesting consequences. On newer phones, like Nokias, it's almost impossible to get into the phone without some very expensive equipment. I watched a Telcel tech banging away on my TIM (Rome, Italy carrier) Nokia 6131 for an hour and he couldn't get into it. I finally had it unlocked by a Nokia service center in Boston. The days of coding via the keypad are over.
  9. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    My point was.. I *think* that Telcel is associating this registration info with the sim cards NOT the phones. Your phone number is attached to the sim, so when you put it in another phone it works, if Telcel was using the IMEI then everytime you put your sim into another phone I would expect it to play the message telling you to register. Not to say that their system won't record the identifier regardless, but the registration is with the sim... at least thats what I think.

    I do understand what you're saying.. even with the switching of the sim card the identifier would be the same so they could compare that and find whose sim normally uses that phone.

    Now that I think about it my old razr had an option "disable IMEI" in the advanced menu... I never messed with it, but I wonder if Telcel would allow a call to go though without receiving an identifier.. only the sim number....

    PS: we prefer the term "modders" :icon_razz: and the best way to unlock a difficult phone is to flash the whole thing with new firmware...
  10. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    I also just tried RG's text message and used the option b she offered up, the one without the CURP. Got an immediate error msg saying "CURP NO VALIDA"

    Tried again using only the CURP. Got a txt saying it was processing. A minute later another msg said it is registered, had my CURP and today's date.
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