I'll be stuck in a hotel up the beach on business. Anybody know if Temptation has day rates where a person could enjoy the property or join the activities etc.......... I'm going to have a ton of free time. Very little business, about an hour a day.
Rut ro! Just found a fly in the ointment. Access to the resort is restricted to registered guests only. If you wish to host a non-registered guest you must purchase a Day or Night Pass at the Front Desk. Day pass from: 12:00 pm to 01:00 am $75.00 USD. Night pass from: 01:00 pm to 12:00 pm $90.00 USD I think the night pass is a miss print. It should probably read 1:00am to 12:00pm. Would make more sence. Hmmmmm........Wanted: Registerd guest willing to host polite well mannered middle aged man. Of course, I will pick-up all costs associated with hosting my carcas and will consider cabana boy services for the right situation. Jan. 3rd-8th.
night pass I believe I read a thread awhile back where Steve broke down the prices and found that it would actually be cheaper if you just booked a room, Especially if you only have an hour of work at the other place, That way you would have full day and night access, 90 bucks for that night pass wow. . For a few dollars more you could get the entire day at the sexy pool and the night .... just an idea, maybe steve would know more.
Thanks Backs13. A customer of mine is sponsoring the meeting. I'm required to stay in the other Hotel. Its one of those group rates where if the sponsor sells x amount of rooms they get the meeting rooms free. They pushed real hard to get me to stay at their Hotel. It does make sence to check the room rates. Last time I looked it was like $400 a night. I'll go look again. Thanks again for the tip.
check again You might want to check again...we are staying 2-7 and for two of us we got a lot better rate than $400. I booked airfare, hotel and everything separate...went straight through hotel website. Good luck!
you must be able to get a better price than that. My group of 4 is paying what works out to $160/d and that includes airfair.
Thanks for the input guys and your right I can do much better than $400. That was a package deal I was confusing with a room rate. $140 and may be able to do better. Thanks again for your help!