Dammit you beat me to it! I was raised on a farm about 15 miles south of Eyebrow and whenever I go to visit down there if I am in Saskatoon I drive through Elbow!
I know a group of guys here who frequently call each other "Potlicker" when joking around. I'll have to tell them about Lickskillet...lol
In Northern Idaho Potlatch Forests had a company town called Potlatch. As with many company towns, they did not allow any alcohol in the town. Just outside of town someone put up a bar. Whenever someone wanted a drink they would say they were going "on away from Potlatch" for a drink. So just outside of Potlatch, Idaho is Onaway, Idaho. Also on the AlCan highway in either BC or the Yukon is Atlastahouse. I guess the Mrs. didn't like living in a tent in that part of Canada.
Shitagoo Lake, Quebec (Ewwwww!) Ecum Secum, Nova Scotia I notice there's no input from the other side of the pond. Guess they just have normal names over there...lol
Community Names The town of Dildo Newfoundland, Canada originated in 1711,origin of name unknown. With many theories. Paul& Liz