so what where some of your guys highlights from this weekend juicy stories what ever crazy thing happend. i have a good pic of what this weekend did to me. I worked all weekend had today off so i went out last night got so drunk i thought i lost my wallet looked every where for it but my front pocket in which it was in the whole time so for about 10 min i was in a panic dont know what took so long for my to check where i always keep oh yes i must have been wasted and danced all night dont remember leaving the club my friend said on the car ride home i was drunk dialing like a mad man and that he could not understand anything i said also told me that i had the same drink in my hand for like an hour and half we got home at about 7:30 passed out when i woke up i still was drunk :shock: so this is my little story nothing to crazy but its just about all i did this weekend hoping for some goods one from u guys
Friday - went to see a lady friend ;-) Saturday - football (soccer) end of season presentation. Lock in at my mates pub until 6am Sunday - mates send off party (he's moving to texas). Lots of drinks and a good night in town. One of my mates got hositalised by some bouncers. Got home a 5am Monday - Out all day and made it clubbing. Home at 2am. Tuesday - really, really wish I wasn't at work!!
My GOD what a long weekend.............. Ok, friday night, had a kick ass time at my buddies keg party! It was as wild as wild gets. So saturday my buddy works for a radio station gave me free tickets to the show down in indy that day. It was Chevelle, Buckcherry, 3 days grace, and a few other bands I was to wasted to remember. I had special tickets which allowed me free beer in the coors light tent, ohhhh man I was completetly wasted!!! That night, went to the bar, met up with a sexy vixen and partied the night away with her and her friends!! Sunday........ oh man I needed sleep! I watched the Indy 500 at home!! I was suppose to go to the race, but I just couldnt do it! So I slept all sunday and sunday night!!! Im still tired
:lol: I drank more in 3 days than I normally do in a month!! well........ ok thats a lie, but I drank a LOT! :lol: