<<<<< will stop lurking! Hell yeah, I am packing and lurking. Thats called multi-tasking! I am soooo ready to get there and do some work!!!!!!!!!!! Skeet skeet!
I am going to lay most of my stuff out tonight, and I need to do some laundry as well. But for the most part, everything will be layed out and organized for my departure thursday.
and i thought i was multi task girl hahahahaha im doing expense reports, answering phones, charging codes, answering different stupid questions, transfering pics from the weekend, editing them, using msn messenger...... AAAAAAAND Lurking of course, ill quit doing that hahahahaha its soooooooo close!
The only multi-tasking I will be doing in 72 hours will be. Drinking multiple kinds of alcohol in excess amounts.
Vegas will be good times just without the gorgeous blue water and Slices and the City and......well, at least you will have expensive drinks to keep you smiling.
You mean free drinks ( when you are gambling....hee hee) Yeah I can stare at the water int he Venetian and pretend I am there! not..
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! 2 days!!!!!!!! YAY.......I'm only saying one more sleep cause there is no way I am going to be able to fall asleep tomorrow!!!!!!!