:clappyinghappy: :clappyinghappy: :clappyinghappy: :clappyinghappy: :clappyinghappy: :clappyinghappy: Buy this person a beer, its about respecting others property, not someones opinion on whether chair saving is right or wrong. I learned first hand with a thread I started people are very opinionated and divided on the chair issue. I have lung cancer and need to take a break from time to time and just sit and relax. I like to know I have a place I can do that so I am guilty of "saving" a chair after breakfast. To me when it comes to peoples personal property its a simple matter of respect. I'll pass the soapbox. :beer4::beer4::beer4::beer4::beer4:
hmmm, so if this were a red towel that was signed for instead of a shirt that was removed from this persons chair, does that make a difference? if you don't return the towel don't you get charged for it? so why should the person who had their towel / shirt removed by some ass wipe have to pay? oh that's right they wouldn't, they would just take someone else's towel who's not by their chair, that's not stealing is it?
Ya Donald they do charge for the towels if they are not returned sometimes. I have gone through this and it took awhile to get them not to charge for the towel.. It was $20 or $25 can't really remember now as it was a few trips ago.. But I have kept the towel for a couple days and returned it after that and had not problems.
you're missing the point, people pay to have their towels/shirts/chair bands made up. to have someone go and remove, take, or throw in the trash, is stealing. the person who made it is still out of the money for said item. its no difference then someone taking sunglasses, lotion, or books that people leave on their chairs while they go grab a bite to eat. the bottom line is it's someone else's personal property and should be left alone.
So now I have heard but I better not comment it has nothing to do with this thread I have been told numerous times
So I guess a good lesson here is don't leave your wife/husband on the lounger by themselves to long or they might go missing.... LOL