Whos got some insight on a US native starting and owning a business in Puerto Morelos or PDC? We own and operate a dive shop in Texas and would like to expand into PM or PDC. We cant live there full time but maybe part-time or a little less. Questions: What does it take to open a small dive/snorkeling shop in MX? (We would like to sell Tshirts and dive related stuff too) Rules on buying and owning a boat in MX? We also want to offer a van shuttle service to and from marina to hotels. We own a van and would like to ship it to Cancun. What's involved in getting a Texas van registered in MX? Know of a good MX business attorney to help me set up an LLC?
Not sure where the idea that you must have a Mexican partner comes from, Marlo. Mexican law requires two incorporators to create a Mexican corporation, neither of whom need be Mexican. They don't even have to be residents of Mexico.
This is true, but our poster is asking about a dive shop business. Americans and Canadians are free to start any business that is not reserved to Mexicans under the NAFTA treaty, so far as I know the law here. To no greater extent than Mexicans do, if they are establishing a corporation for the conduct of their business. The immigration office is no source for information on anything other than immigration. As for immigration a foreigner who establishes a corporation for the conduct of business in Mexico has the right to a resident immigration status for the purpose of conducting the business of the corporation. Again, Marlo, what are you basing these opinions on? Mine is based on an actual reading of the Mexican law and relevant treaties. If in any way I've misstated the law I would welcome anyone quoting to us the relevant law and providing citations in the Mexican Law so that we can see it, and correct any misunderstandings I may have about what the law says. ___________________ There may be many practical reasons why a foreigner would welcome Mexican participation in their business but necessity based on limitations in the law would not be one, insofar as I'm aware of the provisions of Mexican Law and the options for structuring businesses here.
Just in case the OP is still interested here is a pretty good summary of the processes and procedures available, formally, through the Mexican Laws. A guide to establish your business in Mexico Last time I checked it cost around $1,400 U.S. in official fees and attorney fees to set up a corporation here.
Have you ever traveled to Q.Roo? P.M. has stuff right on the waterfront. Morelos is fairly small, but has lots of boats. Apparently it is slowly growing, it still has a partially virgin feel to it. Not a whole lot of stuff there. I rented a house there for a couple weeks in the colonia "suburbs" They have developments there very cheap houses if I had 40k to lay down I'd definitely buy a house in PM's colonia, very nice location fairly quiet I like the mobile announcers makes things seem foreign and exotic.Problem is I'm not sure if it is within the 50km ownership exclusion that bars foreigners from buying land close to the coasts... anyone know how that works in Q.Roo? Starting a business usually involves the purchase of land or Mexican partners. I think there is an investor class for residency and after a number of years you could be eligible for citizenship. As a citizen operating a business will be easier. Otherwise you will have to probably fine a good lawyer to manage your affairs. The US consulate has a listing of suggested lawyers at the local consulate site. I'm not aware of great difficulty with sailing in Mexico.. but you might want to register it in the US. As far as I am aware you need to check in at the local ports, each port has an office Captain of the Harbour etc.. As a resident I think you can buy a vehicle, importing a vehicle is allowed for a certain period but there is an import fee and it is highly suggested to get Mexican insurance which can be done at the border for very affordable rates. Importing vehicles can be more difficult. Normally to import there are fees involved. I would suggest just using a taxi as they are incredibly cheap or the bus which are even cheaper. Most stuff is located in the core or a few blocks away. Unless you plan on travelling you should be able to get around OK. If you want to ferry people around you could consider a collective rental or getting in touch with local tour operators. None the less if you have the money to spend and plan on staying Mexico has awesome rates on scooters that can be bought in grocery stores, and there are plenty of Mexican vehciles (not the same as US vehicles) Mexican vehicles are way hardier which is useful if you plan on driving anywhere not Americanized in Mexico due to topes and roades. Driving in Mexico is fun but sometimes unexpected things happen and there are non paved areas as the sole travel routes in some areas of Mexico. Washouts and giant pot holes, and unlighted stretches of Highway occur. I also suggest tire foam, it is a lifesaver. [/quote] As stated the Consulate in Cancun has a list of attorney's. I would sugest contacting them as you may want to register with them anyway. None the less I personally have only communicated with lawyers in Merida. The justice system imo in Mexico is way more straight forward and simple and streamlined. Be aware civil law doesn't exist the same way in Mexico. Which could be good for someone wanting to establish a business there. IMO fraudulent business practices are more protected in Mexico as the response to fraud is generally contacting a third party not for profit BBB type agency. Still it is the government you need to mitigate with. Also in the past I have read about extortion rackets by cartel groups in Q.Roo, I'm not sure if this is still ongoing or if it even actually occurred. I had a run in with a Federal Police Officer on my last trip and he explained that there are a lot of criminal organizations active. IMO though NEVER NEVER NEVER leave anything on the beach if you are doing a dive shop - I left a bag with over 10000 dollars on the beach next to Mamamita's beach club January 2012 at like 8:30 in the morning... and had it stolen as I was snorkling.. the beach cleaners seemed to watch it happen... all my ID, all my savings including loans.. wiped me out financially. That same day my snorkel mask was stolen. If you leave anything unattended it will likely be taken. Be aware beach areas in Mexico or even commercial areas are totally unsafe to leave any personal belonging off your person even if you are only a few feet away. Also I had a bank card skimmed at an ATM in Playa likely around the beach as I only used a few. I didn't personally loose any money but my bank lost a couple hundred. Be very safe with your personal kit and money... people can be totally totally disrespectful of people's money and property at a far higher level than in the states or Canada. All in all an awesome country but be very careful with anything of value, they likely have armed guards with shotguns, assault rifles, and submachine guns outside banks and jewelry stores for a reason. None the less I think the south of Q.Roo is less saturaded and more virgin in terms of tourism. Chetumal which I don't know a lot about is the center of tourism for a lot of places and it has perhaps the most beautiful bay in Q.Roo. If you get this set up and want to do it, by all means contact me if you can get me into the Mexico on a work Visa. I'm in Canada, and would love to spend Around October to the End of April in Mexico each year. I speak English, know some Spanish, and French. I don't yet have my DM but have my PADI rescue Diver and NAUI Deep and EANx. I am certified with the Red Cross in Standard FIrst Aid incl. CPR AED at the Health Care Provider Level, plus a bunch of other certs and skills. Very willing to increase my training. I have sales and phone experience also. None the less there are quite a few dive shops in Cancun and and Playa, many in Playa are quite visible. I've dived to the south including cenote diving and on the reef in Cozumel. including the one of wreck dives. Keep me in mind: intracircumcordei@yahoo.ca IMO I would view PDC's dive shop environment as highly saturated. I'm not aware of there being a shortage of divers to take people out and the rates are very bargain, not quite as bargain as an Island off the coast of Honduras but pretty decent. I'm not too aware of Cancun, but as far as I am aware usually hotels have arrangements for diving, much like all their other tours. It is all very organized. Curious to see how it works out. OBJECTIVE I'd like some money. I'm primarily interested in online work, contract, or short duration assignments. I will consider any offer. I'm volunteered and worked in a variety of environments. WORK EXPERIENCE English Teacher September 2009 - present Various | Various Education I've instructed English in educational settings, one on one tutoring, and online. Organizations involved with include ITTO, University of Waterloo, and through sole Proprietorship as Brigadier World Intelligence Director and Corporate Secretary September 2007 - present Radio Waterloo | Waterloo Broadcasting, Music, and Film I acted as a director twice for Radio Waterloo, both times as the corporate secretary I had to be aware of procedure and law regarding corporations and broadcasters, amongst other things. Dj/Radio Host/Producer September 2007 - April 2012 Radio Waterloo | Waterloo Broadcasting, Music, and Film I hosted two radio shows on FM 100.3 CKMS . Division Council Chair May 2008 - September 2008 WCRI | Waterloo, Ontario Nonprofit Charitable Organizations This was a volunteer position at the Co-Op residence I lived in. Basically I had some administrative duties and in large part acted a a go between for various functionaries and residents here. Fresh Week Organizer May 2008 - September 2008 WCRI | Waterloo, Ontario Nonprofit Charitable Organizations I helped with planning for the Co-Ops start of the school year week - FRESHWEEK - a type of orientation for the Co-Op Division Manager January 2008 - April 2008 WCRI | Waterloo, Ontario Rental Services I assisted in management of the Student Housing Co-Op, specifically in relation to the North Division of WCRI. This includes a mixture of roles between Superintendant and Don. It is an on call position that involves time in meetings, supervision, and hands on work. I've held a wide variety of other jobs since 1997, service, manufacturing, retail, etc.. Interim Division Manager December 2007 - January 2008 WCRI | Waterloo, Ontario Nonprofit Charitable Organizations I temporarily was responsible for two Divisions. In large part this was to insure building security and maintain basic upkeep of the two divisions. Division Supplies Manager September 2007 - January 2008 WCRI | Waterloo, Ontario Nonprofit Charitable Organizations I monitored stock levels and regularly distributed various cleaning and toiletries, and assisted in management meetings of the Division. Information Officer December 2005 - January 2006 Elections Canada | Waterloo, Ontario Government and Military I did what an information officer does. Essentially directing people to the correct voting booth and some other duties, guidelines and laws. Agent October 2002 - December 2002 Allpro Telemarketing | Waterloo, Ontario Advertising and PR Services Cold Calling , use of phones, and automated calling system, and sales script. Work dates may not be accurate, but it was relatively short employment. I came into conflict with the employer after I was given false information regarding my pay rate expectations. DataEntry and Stocking October 2002 - November 2002 Dylex | Kitchener Retail I can`t remember the exact dates. It was basically patronage to my sister who was a manager. I assisted in dataentry of the SKUcodes and did stocking for a new product map, and helped take down and assemble some gondolas. Baker, Service, other November 1997 - October 2002 Patrick McGrinder and Son Ltd | Waterloo, Ontario Restaurant/Food Services I baked a number of Products for a couple Tim Hortons. I also did customer service work, backroom prep and cleaning, as well as stocking, and other things of that nature. I work shifts alone, and essentially supervised myself regularly on nightshifts. Dates are approximate as it was so long ago I can't even remember. EDUCATION Some College Coursework Completed, January 2014 - April 2014 Confederation College | Thunder Bay Good Standing Included Comptia A+ training Solder and Desolder Skills Introductory Digital and Electrical Theory and Labs. Also professional and math courses. Bachelor's Degree, September 2007 - December 2012 University of Waterloo | Waterloo, Ontario Good Standing Some College Coursework Completed, August 2008 - August 2008 Ontario Security Training | State:Ontario Loss Prevention Specialist Certificate Some College Coursework Completed, July 2008 - August 2008 University of Alberta Campus St. Jean - Saint Anne La Pocatiere - Explore | La Pocatiere A french program where I attained Level 5 of the Ministers of Education French Competency Scale. or Intermediare Fiable. This program was very good although the course material was no new for me. I mastered a basic competency of conversational French, and expanded my general vocabulary. Certification, July 2007 - September 2007 Hypnosis Secrets - Professional Hypnotist Certificate | Online / Mail Certified Professional Hypnotist C.H. Some College Coursework Completed, May 2007 - June 2007 Boreal College - Explore 07 | North Bay, Ontario French as Second Language Beginner I, II, III , as part of the Explore Program run by the Ministers of Education, a Canada wide program. High School or equivalent, September 2002 - March 2007 St. Louis ALC | State:Ontario Took a variety of courses, sciences, law, english, etc.. Maintained a U/M Grade 12 average of over 85% in my 6 courses required for university. Maintained a 90+% average for my 11/12 U/M two year requirement for university. CERTIFICATION Electrical Safety October 2012 Universty of Waterloo This was the online porton of the electrical safety test required by the University to carry out activities involving electrical work at the University. This was a basic electrical health and safety overview with a test at the end. TEFL October 2009 ITTO Graduated with Distinction The course is divided into six areas: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Topics covered include: The role of the teacher with regard for promoting effective learning. To consider ways in which we can maximize student interaction in the classroom. Effective strategies for Classroom Management in relation to eye contact, gesture, voice, student grouping, pre-lesson preparation, rapport with students, using the board, behavior management. Skills needed in the presentation of materials: the board, the flip chart, prepared cards. Maintaining discipline Giving instructions TEACHING SKILLS This is a highly practical element of the course where trainees consider: The essential ingredients of a well planned lesson The relationship between language structure and vocabulary Strategies for teaching vocabulary Effective strategies for correcting students mistakes Specific issues concerned with teaching beginners Ways to introduce and use a variety of language games Ideas for oral communicative language learning activities Ways to present a methodological model for teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) Ways to present a methodological model for teaching productive skills (writing and speaking) Models for introducing new language structures (grammar) Specific issues involved in teaching Business English The principles underpinning good assessment LANGUAGE AWARENESS (GRAMMAR) This section of the course aims to consolidate trainee's knowledge of the English grammar system and provides practical ideas as to how it can be taught. Some different aspects of grammar covered include: The tense system Nouns/adjectives Verbs/adverbs Infinitives Gerunds Parts of speech Modal auxiliary verbs Conditionals Relative clauses Phrasal verbs Teaching pronunciation Phonetics PHONOLOGY Focuses on areas such as stress, intonation, rhythm and the International Phonetic Alphabet. TEACHING PRACTICE The most practical and important element of the course. Trainees teach genuine EFL students following an official curriculum, the latter is extremely important, since many other training centers around the world recruit volunteers for trainees' teaching practices. All teaching practices 10-hrs. minimum, (six are the international standard), fully observed, constructively critiqued and graded by our trainers. The emphasis is on progression and trainees are expected to address issues raised during feedback. A sample of our exit criteria is as follows: WEEK ONE: 1. AT THE END OF SESSION ONE, TRAINEES WILL BE AWARE OF: The reasons why people choose to learn a foreign language A number of theories in relation to how people learn effectively The differences between language acquisition and language learning The factors which influence the success of language acquisition and learning 2. AT THE END OF SESSION TWO, TRAINEES WILL BE AWARE OF: The role of the teacher in promoting effective learning Characteristics of an effective teacher The choices which teachers have to make in managing a class The factors which influence the decision making process of the teacher Strategies for maximizing students interaction (STT) in the classroom The ways in which teachers can unintentionally hinder or prevent learning 3. AT THE END OF SESSION THREE, TRAINEES WILL BE AWARE OF: Strategies for classroom management in relation to eye contact, gesture, voice, student grouping, pre-lesson preparation, rapport with students, behavior Management. Skills needed in the presentation of materials: the board, the flip chart, pre- prepared cards, note pads The use of audio visual equipment: the O.H.P., the cassette player. WHMIS January 1998 Canadore College / University of Waterloo / St. Louis Adult Learning Ceters / Patrick McGrinder and The Ontario government is committed to protecting workers' rights, and their health and safety in the workplace. To ensure that workers are aware of their rights, employers are required, by law, to post certain documents. Some employers may also be required to conduct an annual review of their Workplace Hazardous Material Information System operations. This training has been done multiple times in work, educational, and club environments. Test first completed in late 1990's. Training done for space sciences class. Training done as member of club of UW Rocketry Team Training done as part of Electrical Engineering Tech program. Rescue Diver April 2010 PADI -Causes of diver emergencies -Accident management -Identifying a diver in need -Common equipment problems -Diver rescue procedures -First Aid and injury treatment -Missing diver procedures -In/Out water rescue skills Deep Diver April 2010 NAUI Deep Diver Does the thought of deep diving fascinate you? If you are at least 18 and have a NAUI Advanced Scuba Diver certification or the equivalent, you can enroll in a Deep Diver course where you'll gain the knowledge and skills to plan and make enjoyable deep dives while minimizing risks of deep diving. Although this is not a decompression techniques course, you will learn about decompression procedures including nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness, and the use of dive computers including avoiding the need for stage decompression. Your course will also include teachings on the purpose, problems, hazards, planning, preparation, equipment, air supplies, personnel, techniques, gas management, emergency procedures, and depth limits for recreational diving. Deep diving is defined as dives made between 60 feet / 18 meters and 130 feet / 40 meters. Certificate in TESOL April 2009 ITTT Grade A 120-hour TESOL Certification Course Units Introductory Unit Unit 1: Teachers and Learners Unit 2: Parts of Speech Unit 3: Theories, Methods and Techniques Unit 4: Present Tenses Unit 5: Managing Classes Unit 6: Past Tenses Unit 7: Teaching New Language Unit 8: Future Tenses Unit 9: Lesson Planning Unit 10: Video Lessons Unit 11: Teaching Receptive Skills Unit 12: Teaching Productive Skills Unit 13: Teaching Pronunciation & Phonology Unit 14: Course Books and Lesson Materials Unit 15: Evaluation and Testing Unit 16: Conditionals & Reported Speech Unit 17: Equipment and Teaching Aids Unit 18: Modals, Phrasal Verbs and Passive Voice Unit 19: Teaching Special Groups Unit 20: Troubleshooting Canadian Firearms Safety Course September 2012 Walter Bent's Safety Courses Canadian legislation stipulates that individuals wishing to acquire non-restricted firearms must successfully pass the CFSC test and practical examination that accompanies it. It is possible to challenge CFSC test and practical examination without taking a course, however it is not recommended unless you have previous firearms experience with all types of non-restricted firearms Enriched Air Nitrox Diver April 2014 NAUI Enriched Air Nitrox Diver Want to extend your bottom time, lessen your surface interval, and maximize every dive? Become an Enriched Air Nitrox diver! You will learn how to choose the proper blend of Nitrox for your dive profile, determine maximum depth limits for your Nitrox mixture, analyze your breathing mixture, and plan and safely execute each dive. Your instructor will teach you about the physiology of oxygen and nitrogen; advantages, disadvantages, and risks of nitrox; oxygen toxicity; hazards and precautions of handling oxygen; the concept of Equivalent Air Depth; use of EANx with standard Air Dive Tables; common gas mixing procedures; and more. After your exam, you can qualify for the Nitrox recognition card, or go ahead and complete two dives to receive your Nitrox Diver certification card. And, your NAUI instructor can integrate your Nitrox course into your Scuba Diver course! SP 100 Wildland FIrefighting Course April 2014 Outland Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario The full SP-100 training is a 40 hour course that spans 5 days. Our trainers are former MNR fire fighting trainers (retired) who have extensive experience in forest fire fighting. Course ratio is 8 trainees per instructor. Class space is limited - applications are accepted on a first paid - first confirmed basis. The SP-100 course involves both field work (approximately 60% of course time), as well as classroom studies. There will be an exam on the final day. Material to be Covered · Fire Behaviour · Fire Line Patrol and Observations · Helicopter, Water Bombing and Burnout Operations · Hand Tools · Radio Operations · Hose Laying and Water Application · Power Pump Set-Up · Personal Safety on the Fire Line, as well as Safety Around Chainsaw Operations · Tent and Camp Set-Up, and Mop-up Principles · WHIMIS training · Health, Safety & Wellness Module · Bush Orientation dealing with compassing · Teamwork & Human Factors with introduction to ICS, Fuel Handling and Equipment Management **Notes on what is included in helicopter training: · Safety around helicopter operations · Proper equipment slinging operations · Communicating with hand signals · Loading equipment WFX FIT April 2014 WFX FIT INSTRUCTOR Achieved National Standard with total circuit time of 11:03 Type 1 Wildland Fire Fighters (WFF) must be physically fit in order to fight wildland fires safely and effectively, as well as to avoid injuries and recover rapidly. In particular, they must have suitable levels of aerobic fitness, muscular strength and muscular endurance. The WFX-FIT is a valid job-related physical performance standard used to determine whether an individual possesses the physical capabilities necessary to meet the rigorous demands encountered while fighting wildland fires. There are five (5) components to the WFX-FIT: a screening component and four (4) performance components. 1. Pre-Participation Screening 2. Carry Pump on Back 3. Hand Carry Pump 4. Hose Pack Lift and Carry on Back 5. Charged Hose Advanced WFX-FIT is completed as a timed circuit. All performance components must be test together. Fire fighters must be able to complete the test within 14 minutes and 30 seconds in order to be eligible for national exchange. See: Home , for more information. Advanced Amature Radio Certificate April 2012 Industry Canada Advanced Qualification: • access all amateur bands below 30 MHz • use maximum transmitter power of 1000 watts DC input • build and operate transmitting equipment • establish repeaters and club stations • remotely control fixed stations, including the use of radio links I also have Basic with Honours. Canadian Red Cross Standard First Aid includes CPR - Health Care Provider and AED Certification April 2014 Red Cross Expires April 2017. The following items are covered in this Red Cross - Standard First Aid with HCP CPR class: •The Red Cross • Preparing to Respond • The Emergency Medical Services System • Check, Call, Care • Airway Emergencies • Breathing and Circulation Emergencies • Respiratory and Cardiac Arrest (including CPR HCP) • Wound Care • Head and Spine Injuries • Bone, Muscle, and Joint Injuries • Sudden Medical Emergencies • Environmental Emergencies • Poisons • Additional content may be included based on the requirements of the jurisdiction. Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC) September 2012 Walter Bent's Safety Courses Canadian legislation stipulates that individuals wishing to acquire restricted and/or prohibited firearms must successfully pass both the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC) along with the tests and examinations that accompany them. It is possible to challenge both examinations without taking a course but it is not recommended unless you have previous firearms experience with all types of non-restricted and restricted firearms. Topics covered in the CRFSC include: •The evolution of non-restricted and restricted firearms, major parts, types and actions •Basic restricted firearms and ammunition safety practices •Restricted firearm action types and their operations •Safe handling procedures •Firing techniques and procedures •Care of restricted firearms •Responsibilities and legalities of the firearms owner •Safe storage, display, transportation and handling of restricted firearms Certificate for Teaching Young Learners August 2009 ITTT Grade A CTEYL Course Aims Upon successful completion of the Certificate in Teaching English to Young Learners, graduates should be able to: Use industry standard terminology to discuss and evaluate the process of teaching English to young learners. Develop a course syllabus that targets the specific needs of their own students. Create effective lesson plans with clear ideas on how to deliver them to different student groups in an engaging manner. Choose resources and create materials that are suitable for young learners. Design assessment strategies for use before, during and after a course. Fully understand the role of an English teacher in a variety of teaching situations and classroom environments that are specific to young learners. Use their understanding of the industry to identify and follow up on opportunities for career development. Bear Wise Program April 2014 Outland The Ministry of Natural Resources is committed to reducing preventable causes of human-bear conflict in Ontario. The Bear Wise Program teaches people about black bears as well as things they can do to keep bears away from urban and semi urban areas. We work with community leaders to establish local prevention programs. We offer many education and awareness products including a website. We provide a bear information and reporting line. We work in partnership with police to respond to human-bear incidents. Bear Wise Program April 2014 Outland The Ministry of Natural Resources is committed to reducing preventable causes of human-bear conflict in Ontario. The Bear Wise Program teaches people about black bears as well as things they can do to keep bears away from urban and semi urban areas. We work with community leaders to establish local prevention programs. We offer many education and awareness products including a website. We provide a bear information and reporting line. We work in partnership with police to respond to human-bear incidents. SKILLS Computer Literate (Office/Programming Concepts, Da Intermediate Electonic Music (Composition/DJing) Intermediate Loss Prevention Specialist Certificate Beginner First Aid & CPR Intermediate COMPTIA A+ Beginner soldering Beginner PCB assembly Beginner LANGUAGES English Fluent French Intermediate Spanish Beginner PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS / AFFILIATIONS Universal Life Church CAREER HIGHLIGHTS It is business as usual. INTERESTS Hiking/Backpacking , Running , Weight Training , Working out , Permaculture , Gardening , Technology , Astronomy & Space Science , Traveling , Culture If Dragon Mart goes ahead Morelos will likely get a massive secondary boom... eco is a concern though. http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/finan...nueva-crisis-obra-de-dragon-mart-1004847.html
Again, Marlo, what are you basing these opinions on? (insert freakishly self-absorbed, always gotta be right even when I'm wrong, voice here)--Mine is based on an actual reading of the Mexican law and relevant treaties. (snicker, snicker) What am I basing my opinions on? Gosh, you just don't know when to give up do you? Your insatiable appetite to always be right is unnerving, really. They're not opinions, Joe. I'm basing my findings on first-hand, personal experience. I'm smack-dab in the middle of starting and registering my own company...which you may recall from recent PMs. As per your INM comment -- INM is where one goes for work permits, so contrary to your remark, it is relevant. Your 'tell-all business link' is 1) undated and 2) is from the Swedish Trade Council...on how to do business in Mexico. It seems your hasty search to try to disprove a fellow forum participant (yet again) has resulted in a poor choice. :deadhorse:
I forgot to add finding a slip in Mexico can be difficult at times. I suggest securing a slip if you don't plan on anchoring out before you commit to buy a boat. There is a lot of traffic around cancun so a port may open up from time to time if you know where to ask. I would suggest getting ahold of the local club to see if there is anything available. Talking with them or going on one of the catamaran tours and chatting with the very friendly crew may be able to get you more info on the seaside of things. Cancun has much more established infrastructure than P.M. oddly there are a lot of smaller fishing boats at PM and I think the industrial port there is shutdown.. not sure though. There is also the port just outside PDC next to xplor xcaret etc.. I think it may be more industrial though.