Spring Break 2005, was a hell of an awesome time, and I am dam sure anyone who was there last year, the year before, or anything before that would say the same thing. It was a moment in my life where I experiences things you will never experience back at home. From the people, to the parties to the hotel, to the contest, everything went smoothly. I love every moment of it and I did not regret anything. Now I probably would have change a few things such as party a little harder, being an idiot and listening to my friend by not pursuing a girl, I probably should have, and drank a little more. Other then that, no regrets, no worries. Even though Hurricane Wilma has put a darken could over spring break rookies, professional spring breakers still seem to want to invade Cancun during Feb. and march as they do every year. Now my problem is that I had such a great time last year, I cannot wait to go back and do it again, yet I cannot get people to understand the scope of spring break in Cancun will continue to be bigger and better and hold up it reputation as the most top party city around the world. 15 billion dollars a day, I say why not. What is it that I have to do to convince these people I want to travel with, that Cancun spring break 2006 is worth the trip? I do not want to miss out. I know what you are saying why not just go alone. Well going alone would make me seem like a loser, so I probably will not be doing that. I never had such a greater time in one week, every in my entire life then I did in Cancun. Enough with the rambling
It will be amazing cos it is my first!!! God I'm excited... perhaps getting too excited too early... :?: