The rigorous schedule of university, work and minimal sleep has taken its toll on my grammatical capacity! Err…or perhaps I should just read my posts before submitting them
If any of you still don't understand PM me I'll translate it into literal english for you. Don't worry, I honestly can't remember the last time I had a random pick up in melbourne either, please note random, have met people but been introduced to or just happened to know them. Still been a while even for that too now I start thinking back - time flys!!! I'm sick of people thinking I'm 18 or 19 it's really starting to annoy me coz the guys I want keep away thinking I'm about 10 years younger and I'm only maybe 3 or 4!!!!!!!
Nothing wrong with younger to a degree, my range is 21-28 i'm 24 in March (my shelf life is running out :cry: ) anything much beyond that I have nothing in common with them, younger they just want to drink with their mates and you have to be a taxi for them coz you can have a couple and drive and they can't, older - too old for me/they often don't understand me. They're have to be like PERFECT to be outside this.
im not too picky when it comes to age, so long as I dont wind up in the pen. because of it......I'm 23 so a lil older or younger never hurt