Steve.. It always has worked fine for me.. Shit. Perhaps I'm slow as well.. I used to ride the short bus... Now I drive it!!! Party on!!!
,, Just took me 30 seconds to load your comment (PC) ,, all other applications working fine. I,m sure its just high traffic bottlneck some where,,, times will varry on location ?? .
Yeah, traffic must be spiking lately. Was slow today at work , and now at home. With growth comes growing pains!
I think it must be something else other than high natural traffic or lack of RAM. Had an extra GIG of RAM added and still seeing slow downs even at off peak times. Before the extra RAM we were using around 50% of it, after the extra about 30%. I'm out on a cruise tomorrow but will try and take it up with the hosting company on Friday.
It wasn't slow for me last week when others were complaining, but the last few days have been very, very slow all the time.