I've just ordered another Gig of RAM to be added to the server. That should help things move a little faster. There might be some downtime while it is installed (not sure when that will be exactly) but shouldn't be for long.
Cancunswingers.com is much worse for speed. Sometimes you have to hit the same letter five times for it to show up. Everything stops and you have to wait a few minutes for it to suddenly work again. Very frustrating if you like to make comments on pictures or answer messages.
Has been slower in the last week yes but CCC is worth the wait Volume of traffic (which is good) and # / size of albums definitely affects things but as I said...worth the wait. Keep up the good work Steve You Rock!
The new RAM was installed a few hours ago, however, the site still seems to be fast one minute and slow the next. Not sure what's going on there but we'll monitor what's happening.
Yeah Cancunswingers is with a different hosting company on a lower spec server. Partly because it gets less traffic and partly because it doesn't make any money I may move Cancunswingers to the same server as Cancuncare but then if one goes down they both go down. Moving a forum from one host to another is not always an easy task, but I'll get things upgraded and working better here first then see what can be done about CS.