Speaking of Cablemas

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by T.J., Jan 5, 2011.

  1. Gringation

    Gringation Guru Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2010
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    V - I believe Channel 43 for Cablemas is the American Network, right? I think that's a network issue, not a Cablemas one. Other Cablemas users on here complained awhile back about losing American Network. A friend in the state of Jalisco also lost it. I have SKY service, and they eliminated that network a month or so ago as well, with a note that it was a decision out of their control.

    But yes, definitely go fight over your rate increase :)
  2. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    I think I am off to visit Cablemas today. I got a bill for double what my normal bill is. I have auto-paid for years by a US credit card and rec'd a discount for paying that way and this time my bill does not indicate this.

    Forget calling them. If you can get through to a human, they are generally useless if you have a problem and why else would you call for.

    Getting ready to print last month's bill for comparison and then head on over.

    Good luck with your mission. Profeco is good about getting results for consumers but it is not a fast and easy process. They close at 2 pm and later is better than earlier. Bring a book. I ran into our friend Rene there the other day and he went over to Subway and brought us back lunch, which we finished before our numbers came up.
  3. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    I am told by my Cablemas buddy, that the problems regarding programming, are the result of a new provider that they are dealing with. Not only have they killed the American Network that was part of the International Package, they have killed ABC and NBC English channels, 284 & 286, that some of us had enjoyed for years for a modest fee. For some reason, the group that rebroadasts all of the Cablemas channels, now only offers some channels only to Hotels in the Hotel Zone and not to Residential customers.

    Their motto should be "To Hell With Our Customers - Who Cares What They Think or Want." This is not the case with many of their employees. It seems to be an upper management deal.
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