Speaking of Cablemas

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by T.J., Jan 5, 2011.

  1. hodamayo

    hodamayo Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2006
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    Why not just go with all American Programming? I do Dish Network here and then you can have it all in English.........

  2. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Well, I actually have Sling Box so I have tons of stations in English. And it is free once you buy the equipment. No monthly fees other than the cost of cable where the box is installed in the US. The downside is that the upload speed from the cable provider is inconsistent. I am thinking of moving the box from FL to NYC when I next go to the states. I just have to be able to explain it to my daughter.

    The issue with Cablemas is that they pretty much stole some of our channels from us when we traded in perfectly good digital boxes for perfectly crappy ones. Supposedly the ones we (their customers) had were going to become obsolete and would not function due to changes in their system. Seems like that is a complete lie as people I know have not exchanged their boxes, they still work find and they still have ABC and NBC English programming.

    I have seen your posts for years. Can you please provide pricing and details on the programming packages available. I am sure many of us would find that info helpful in deciding where we want to end up with our TV viewing.
  3. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    I changed from Sky to Cablemas last month (saving over 1000 pesos with phone/cable/internet), but they have NO boxes. Can't seem to get an answer as to when they will have them either. :S

    Not as happy with the channels as I was with Sky, but you do what you must to save a few pesos. Happier with their internet service though.
  4. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    It is beyond stupid why they would start swapping out perfectly good boxes and giving the customers crap boxes, then run out of them.

    I heard something that someone had acquired Cablemenos and is making changes all around. Supposedly the cheaper boxes were the bright idea of some genius executive.
  5. hodamayo

    hodamayo Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2006
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    There again why worry about those cable boxes? Sling box is good providing you have ample bandwidth. I can give you Networks out of New York and or San Francisco 99% English channels.
  6. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cablemas stories have an almost unbelievable quality to them, so bizarre are they, but those who deal with them know the stories are not often exaggerated.

    We tired of the limited number of hours the international package was actually functioning, so we ditched it. We were also having trouble watching basic cable channels we liked, such as 61, during the hours we wanted. "Bizarrely" we could get it in the bedrooms, where all we had was access to the basic package, but not in the living room, where the digital converter was. I tried hooking the cable directly to the set and, there it was, channel 61, just fine, anytime.

    I went to cablemas and told them I wanted the converter removed, and my service cut to basic, only. They said they couldn't do it, that the government had, like in the U.S., mandated a switch to digital and the elimination, over time, of transmission of analog signals. They said it was just a matter of time till we would lose the option of NOT using the converter. Oh well....

    On the otherhand....[​IMG]
  7. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cablemas - Suggest you pay a visit to Roberto Rodriguez.

    Sling Box - I love it. Have had mine for 3+ years. You need a host on the US end of the deal, where the Sling Box is installed. You need a dedicated cable box on that end if you want more than the very basic, over the lines, type of service. You do NOT need a TV on that end, but if the host does not have a wireless router where the cable comes into the house, you need a Sling Link. On this end, in order to watch on your TV, in addition to your computer, you need a Sling Catcher. There is NO monthly fee for using the Sling system, only the hardware cost. For the HD Pro model, my suggestion, you can expect to pay $450-$500, plus tax, depending on if you buy from a Best Buy type of retailer or from eBay. If you have more than one option for a host, choose the one with the highest/fastest upload speed. This is more important than the download speed on this end.

    Just my humble opinion, which you know I am happy to discuss with you, as long as beer is involved.
  8. Cancun Fun

    Cancun Fun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Wow Tj...$450-500 usd? Do you want to buy some more of them?

  9. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    That is the total for the Sling Box, Sling Link and Sling Catcher. Can't be much less than $500 unless they have chopped their prices drastically. Remember we got the Sling Catchers at a killer Best Buy sale.
    Sling Box Pro HD - $299.99 at Best Buy
    Sling Link Turbo - $ 89.99 at Best Buy
    Sling Catcher - Can't find at Best Buy but they are north of $300 on eBay. Not sure why. I think you found them on sale at Best Buy for $100 with the regular price of $149 or $179.

    Do the math.
  10. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    Cablemas strikes again

    Perhaps three weeks ago, we lost channel 43, without explanation, from the cable package we had. Unfortunately, this meant we no longer had ABC News, of a morning. We were disappointed, but accepted it.

    Then, our bill for October came, and with it, a thirty-four percent increase in rates for the same package!, without any notice, nor explanation included with the bill.

    I'll ask for an explanation from Cablemas, but I think this latest move will prompt me to do as T.J. often does- pay a visit to Profeco....
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