Benuk the possible innocent explanation for this is that the hotel has already submitted the application for the FM3 (and they would have to submit her FMT with it) If that's the status of the application there are still a couple steps left to complete: on the next to last step that additional sum of about 2200 pesos I mentioned earlier has to be paid- before immigration will release the FM3 Mauricio could help you explore the available options: there are lots of personal choices to be made in how to deal with this- plus you may need hands on assistance once you decide on the best course of action His fees are very reasonable for a face to face consultation and you can normally see him same day you call
I can see I got confused about whether they had gotten the FM3 or not: now I see that they did They have the FM3 but probably don't want to give it to her for fear she'll leave her job and perhaps the country without compensating them for their expenses in getting it for her: they're probably not within their rights to withhold it from her but there are other issues involved here Since you've already said you wouldn't object to compensating them for their expenses Mauricio can help you work through all the personal and legal issues and he doesn't charge much at all for a consultation- something like 25 GBP ___________________
The FM3 is HER property, they cannot hold on to it. This sounds suspciously like a certain hotel that has a certain bad reputation for treating its employees poorly, particularly foreigners with their papers. I won't say the name, but don't mind if someone else does! ;-)
I'm pretty sure its across the board at here, my flat mates girlfriend who's Mexican has had major issues getting her money after going in to work one day and found out she had no job. Its a shame workers are treated like this.
LOL Gringation, come on, we all know which place I am talking about. ;-) Ben, I don't think it's the same at every company, some are definitely worse than others. I know some people who have worked at the same hotel for years and years as they are treated very well and fairly compensated. Some hotels do work on the shady side, offering three month contracts only so they never have to give anyone a raise and no one has the rights of a long term employee. Shady, but again, not everywhere.
Ben...I think I know your girlfriend....I won't name where she works, but is she blonde and is she Swedish, Swiss, or another Scandinavian ish Nationality? If so, I will see her tomorrow and give her a big squeeze. Is it ok if I talk to her about this topic?
If I am correct with my assumptions on where his gf works I would love to put them out there. I HATE going there. Not a fan of the staff or the guests. CHEAP across the board. The Gran Melia does what you say Canuck. They give their Entertainers 3 month contracts, give them 6 days off and then they re sign a new contract. My fb worked there for about 6 months and HATED every hour there.