I wonder if we could try something just a little more delicate on this thread, by sharing some thoughts we may have had at one time or another- about life, relationships, anything just a little closer to the human spirit. It doesn't have to be profound, or clever, just genuine: it could be borrowed, if it touched a cord with you- perhaps it will in us, too. ____________________ Reflections on Death As I walk along the water’s edge, and see you lying there with your countless thousands, I wonder aloud, “What’s so different between us, after all"? We lived and we will die, returning to the sea, and earth, from whence we came. Is that so bad a thing, to have had a part in this great cycle of life, and then be gone? ____________________ Coming to terms with the fact that we will die is one of the challenges we all face. Walking along a beach one day, I began to notice that line of shells, the remains of the millions of marine animals that often collect at the water's edge, who had lived, then died. Like them, I would live, and die. It cheered me to my soul to think that I, too, had had a chance to play a part in the great cycle of life.