Tons of anything with vitamin B is a good preventative. You can get patches. Wear them while you are drinking. Take them off before bed. No hangover in the morning. Coffee baileys followed by a Caesar in the morning always works too.
plenty of water and breast milk from a healthy woman. full of minreals, antioxcidants I will be needing a wet nurse in march
So I tried this last night and today I don't feel like shit. At the same time, last night I never achieved a WE'RE GOING STREAKING! level of intoxication, so I'm not certain the experiment was valid. More testing is in order. Still, this is promising.
Anything with Potassium helps such as banana, we usually take one 5 hour energy in the morning and glass of water with 2 acetaminophen at night...
Milk Thistle pills (Liver Cleanser) couple in the morning and a couple in the evening, wife swears by it. I always hit the Wallmart and buy Electrolyte drinks in the Pharmacy section, drink one in the morning and good to go.
WOW! Tons of great suggestions. You guys rock. I did look into Gastrolyte and found it's not sold by that name in the USA. It's equivalent seems to be Pedialyte Oral Electrolyte Powder (for adults) sold in a variety pack of 8 different flavors. But, keep them awesome suggestions coming. We can tell there's some real pro drinkers out there. See ya next trip: Apr 23- May 1, 2015