You guys are my hereos as well, man that is awesome and then back in the UK, It must have been a great connection!! lol Well one and a half sleeps and i am at TTR! Buckette list.....Hmmm just to go and have the best time and meet all the great people... no expectations, just going to have fun!! lol
TR bucket list... Steve's Booze Cruise Sex in a hammock on the last morning we're there To party with Lynn again she freakin rocked To one day be able to say that we've been to TR at least once in every month of the year.
hey fellow utahns!!!! happy utah here. Your right we tend to get a little ctazy when we let loose. Been there done that!! Looking forward to it again in sept.
let's bump this one our TTR bucket list has us spending a few days at TTR with friends from "home" you know who you are! Join us for a long weekend in June. Come on!
Definitely Steve's Boobs Cruise. This is our 3rd trip so we are really hoping 3rd times a charm. Hmm from what we here other good things come in 3's. . and sometimes 4's...and... lol