Dennis tried his luck with golfing here in the midwest, instead of finding the green................he found the cornfield! Although, the 2 of them found some nice green grass at the Cardinals game! Loved the picture Dan sent me from his phone! Bastard!! GO CUBS!!!! Good stuff guys, hope you dont mind me posting these........... always nice to see CC folks partying!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: no, I use what is given to me! I wanted to throw my phone when I got dans pic of him at the cards game! He did it only cause he knows Im a cubs fan and they are our rivals! Good stuff though, looked like they had a great time!! Any mlb baseball game is fun!
no, not at all. Just felt like posting them. Im only special when I drink a lot and start slurring my words......................... anyways back on topic..........
he looks VERY proper! Looks like they had a great time!! And I didnt see ANY beverages in hand.........odd!