How is security about smoking pot? Can you get it from the staff or do you have to go off the resort? Do they mind if you smoke on the beach or will we have to hide in our room to enjoy mexicos finest?
I'd be very careful about smoking any wacky weed. I have always heard drugs on any kind are not tolerated and have heard of people be kicked out of the resort and the police being called. Cancun is not like Jamaica as far as pot is concerned. I'd hate to see you end up in a Mexican jail.
Jamaica rocked they let us smoke right at the bar. I wasn't expecting that but i figured if you stay away from the croud they wouldn't complain.
There are lots of undercover agents working the hotel zone dealling any kind of drug you want. Best advice - drink the free booze and buy from your known connection when you get back home. Mexican jails are absolutely no fun, empty bank accounts to keep yourself from going there are no fun either. If you get busted you might get luck and be able to bribe yourself out for a couple of thousand or you might not. The Mexican government is have a real hard time with the current drug wars where thousands of people get killed all over Mexico because of them. So they have a real hard spot for drugs right now and tourist trying to score ain't helping the situation. If it's all about the weed maybe Jamaica is your better choice. Jamie
We've done jamaica enough. Last I was in cancun was back in 92 and it wasn't a problem back then. Hopefuly it hasn't changed to much. If it has it's not that big a deal. They should take a page from Canada and make it leagle.
It's not legal in Canada, there has never been any discussion about making it legal. The discussion "legalizing Marijuanna" is so that if you are busted it becomes a misdeamenor and doesn't screw you over for life. That also only applies for the purposes of posession for your personal use, any amount above a "personal use" threshold would still get you busted for posession and that would incite a conviction.
I see you're brand new to this board and that is the most Important ? you have. You're not worried about the resort at all, just where can you smoke your weed...... :bandit: :bash: :wave: Go to yahoo news and read what just happened to 3 men near Cancun just a few days ago, because of DRUGS.
That maybe the case in TO but here in Mtl they really don't care anymore. Here you can smoke it right in front of a cop so long as your not selling it they don't do anything anymore. Of course if your acting like a fool they may take it from you but thats as far as they go now.
Hey Tim/Allison, The weeds not a big deal just wanted to ask. As for the resort, beach, sun, pool it's got it. From what I've read the food sounds good and the staff will keep you busy if you'd like them to. Big thing for us was no kids allowed. It sounds like a tamed down version of Hedo so I'm sure nothing there will shock us. We read a few trip reports on another site and it sounded like a good enough place, most people enjoyed it. Herd a few complaints about the beach being a little small and between to docks so it get a little smelly sometimes. All in all it sounded like a good place, We just found this site 2 days ago but have allready booked our trip so even if someone on here says it's horiable it's to late. We'll be there tomorrow night. If your there come say hi, I'll be the one in the big cloud of smoke.