Does anyone know where I can buy a small propane grill?? I have seen the small propane canisters for sale at WalMart but have never seen a grill anywhere. Before you go into the "charcoal tastes better" thing let me first agree with you then point out that I only have a very small outdoor space with a stiff sea breeze in which to place my grill. I was able to park in one of the 2 parking spaces at Home Depot once and even they did not have a grill. Soriana - no. Chedraui - no. Has anyone ever seen these here? (Or are they like the modem? :wink: )
Have you tried Sam's club or costco, I seem to remember seeing them there. Or sears in las americas - not sure but i have a vague recollection i saw them there.
Costco has bigger ones, at least at certain times of year. I have not seen a decent smallish gas grill here ever. We left one behind in CO that we should have brought with us. We should have left this stupid ugly smelly couch behind and brought the grill... You don't want a couch do you?
Try Sears or the mercado 23, I have seen them all over the place but can't remember if I have lately.
Costco has a gas of those giant stainless steel ones that is bigger than that Atos we probably uses more gas too. Have not tried Sams club. Didn't see any in sears. Thanks for the ideas - keep them coming. I may have to "import" one soon.
long shot, what about those restaurant supply shops on the yaxchilan, they might have something or might know where to get one.