Do "YOU" WOMEN Prefer Skinny and Tones Guys or Masculine Guys? Guys can submit there thoughts IF they Must but really a poll for the Ladies!
My ideal mate would be very muscular, at least 6' 6, and sorta ripped, but not looking like a walking steroid. Michelle
This is an interesting post. . .me and Mad Ad were talking about this in peterboro when we were flicking through girlie magazines (dont ask) There was a page on mens body's and they had a pic of Gavin Henson (wales player)and David beckham on the page saying they had bodies to die for . . i have put a pic up below and i dont think they are even in the same league. . One is big and muscular. . . Beckham is just skinny like the average Joe. . . i dont understand ??
lol i fit in the skinny and toned section i actually trying to get bigger but dont work thats just for own good feeling in myself tho lol i feel that girls prefer the muscle lol then im only 18 i may bulk out with age