rays, jellyfish etc ... bottom line "no bottomless in the ocean at night or you may leave the ocean with more of a "stinger" than you bargained for. In fact its way easier to go skinny dipping during the day ...just start with your suit on... hint hint
We were just there and we went to the beach on three nights....there was always a security guard on the beach.....we did manage to go skinny dipping for about 10 minutes in the sports pool before security caught us....security was good about it and just brought us towels....
We went skinny dipping in the ocean at night in Jan. No security-I LOVE SKINNY DIPPING IN THE OCEAN!!!! Try it-you only live once!
Oh boy...glad I had no idea about those rays while we were skinny dipping at night a few years ago! Hopefully there is safety in numbers and the twelve of us scared them away! Yes, we did get scolded by security, but not harshly enough to stop me from doing it again last March. Now, though...going to have second thoughts!
Bah, it's fine. If you are concerned about the rays just do the stingray shuffle as you walk out. Drag your feet and kick up sand a bit as you walk. They will feel it and swim away before you stung. If they are even stingrays. The times people get stung are when you are taking big steps and you step down on them. If you shuffle your feet as you walk out that won't happen. Also, the foam party in the sports pool is an IDEAL skinny dipping opportunity. Half the pool at least was naked!
oh wow... so many people responded... Thank you all for the advice... my girlfriend has a phobia of all animals so it is a definite no for her... haha...
Best to keep her away from Paty-O's too then, that place is known to be crawling with trouser eels just waiting to uncoil. :huh:
I was skinny dipping in Cuba one night and got stung by a jelly, along with my buddies wife. It hurt like hell!! At the end of the ordeal, she was bragging about the "golden shower from a hot fireman" that I gave her.
Here's a wrinkle. It's actually safer to skinny dip in the bay from April thru June, since this is the time Sea Lice are prevelant in the waters of Cancun. They cause a rash of bites similar to mosquito bites, and they are concentrated under tight clothing (swimsuits). There is a tanning lotion I bought off Amazon last year that repels them, but you are at risk of bites when you go into the bay during this time of year. Makes the sports pool seem like a helluva better idea. "Agua Mala" Cancun Medical Info : TravelYucatan.com