Here now but at the Westin Lagunamar, but I'm booked for the Boobs Cruise on Thursday, can't wait. steve
Hello all. Newly single male in his forties looking to let my hair down, what's left of it. Thinking of coming down in April. Just want to see what other singles maybe there then. In another post this is what they said I should do is contact other singles in this thread. I also tried to get my profile picture up but cant seem to get it to display when I post. You can only see it when you click on my CCC name. Any ideas? Thanks
Thinking of going back in January...not dates set yet but will be bringing some newby singles along...:aktion033: Will post my dates soon Linda
I´ll be there 29-30 Nov. Back to single life. Traveling solo. If anyone interested in having a drink and meet new people let me know.
First Time to Temtations Hello this will be my first time visiting Temptations and Cancun. I will be there Jan 17th-24th. Hope to meet some people on here so I know some friendly faces when I get there.
Few more hours to go!! Will be there by tomorrow(25th) afternoon! First timer, planned back in April but didn't workout, very excited to be there! Looking to make some new friends!!
Single 37 years young Irish man visiting for the first time, not exactly sure wag to expect but really looking forward to it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk