Yes, 54F this morning but that was around 6:30am. It's fine in the day when the sun is out but a little chilly when it gets dark.
Hey Dos Cancun or Tampa?:wink3: I'm headed to Cancun on Friday!:musik026: A few years ago, I spent 6 weeks in Calgary/Edmonton...I was never so cold in my life! I couldn't wait to get out of there!
I slipped on some ice today. I dont care what the temp is in cancun as long as there is no snow and ice.
Tere you have definitely caught everybody's attention with this thread and I think it's greatopcorn: As for the Calgary/Edmonton area we have four seasons and I think if you came late spring early summer you would have a different opinion. Where else can you be sitting out on your deck and watch the sun set at 11 pm in the high 20's c low 30's c. I do agree on the winters though -30c for weeks on end get me on a flight anywhere close to the equator PLEASE. Again great job with this thread:xyxthumbs:
Calgary/Edmonton That trip was mid-Dec. to beginnning of Feb. When I lived in Toronto, I used to spend most days in the winter planning my escape to anyplace warm! Happy to hear that you liked the topic!:angel1: I still don't know if there is heat or a.c. only in the rooms though!
March, April, May, June..any or all of these work for me It will go down to 32 tonight. I'll be hearing the tiles cracking all over the house tonight! Any idea if the rooms have heat, Monique?
Hehe either or will do. For some reason I went and got myself a career here in Alberta where I do the majority of field work in the dead of winter. You have never lived until you have had water splash you from a developing water well at 2am when it's -40. Here's a shocker the water freezes to your jacket almost instantly at those temps. So long story short I am willing to offer my services as pool boy / manslave etc in return for a warm comfy climate to call home lol! One bonus is that we can just put a case of beer on the balcony for 20 minutes to get it nice and cold!
50,60,70f We wouldn't mind ! Anything beats a cold Quebec 5am remove the white crap from the car before leaving for work :cry: