Should there be a US/Mexico Border fence errected?

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by NormsKid, Sep 26, 2006.


How would U vote if you could?

  1. I think the US should erect a Mexican border fence

  2. I DON'T think they should erect a fence on the Border

    0 vote(s)
  3. I don't care one way or the other

    0 vote(s)
  1. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    Me too.
  2. B & B

    B & B Guru Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The Hub of the Niagara Pennisula, Ontario
    +1 / 0
    Not to start another debate but...What is wrong with the northern border??

    Canada has no record of exporting terrorists to the US, sure we can always say that the LA airport that was NOT blown up on New Years Eve 1999, had a plot that originated in Montreal by a person of Middle Eastern background and as he travelled to LA through Vancouver he was stopped!! However, why do you state that the NORTHERN border is a sieve. We are not supplying illegal aliens for the purpose of stealing American jobs, I am sure it happens, but to about the same extent as Americans come north to work without proper documentation. We are not exporting terrorists and we are not a launching pad for terrorists coming to North America in order to launch attacks in the States. In fact the terrorists directly responsible for 911 were for the most part Saudi's that had been living (and training) in the US, and not one was documented as having sneaked into the States via the Canadian border.
  3. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    Port Orange, FL
    +1,168 / 5
    The thread switch to terrorists so I was not referring to illegal immigrants on this one.

    On the subject of terrorists, while I make no claim that Canada itself is sending terrorists to the US, you have to admit that the border itself presents an easy access to the US for anyone that can make it into Canada. It's easier to cross then the southern one as there is no natural barrier there, as in the desert. If we're talking terrorists then we really have to look at all access to the country, not just the one with Mexico.

    And to be doubly clear, I don't think Mexico exports terrorists to the US either. Just another possible pathway into the US.

    So really, the subject of terrorists only adds confusion to the original subject of illegal immigration and since I didn't bring it up in the first place, would be more than happy to let it die right here in this thread. We can start another thread on that subject if people want to discuss it separately.

  4. B & B

    B & B Guru Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The Hub of the Niagara Pennisula, Ontario
    +1 / 0
    Not to be offensive and I am more than happy to let it die as well, however you did bring up the Northern Border being a sieve, and yes the border is open, in fact it is a proud monument of both countries and is used quite liberally in the quote to the rest of the world, "The longest undefended border in the world", and I wouldn't want it any other way, and for anybody to suggest different is to establish a distrust of either nation.

    As much as people can get into the US via Canada, just as many people can get into Canada via the US. As I stated earlier the US was the launching pad for strikes on domestic ground. Also Osama Bin Laden stated that those countries that supported the US were also to be punished. So Spain and Britain has had terrorist attacks, Canada has not, although a major terrorist attack was folied earlier this summer in Toronto. Canada is as due for a major terrorist attack as the US is, unfortuantley as there is many more terrorist cell sites in the US than there is in Canada, the potential for a Terrorist attack in Canada stemming from people residing in the US is quite high.

    Yet despite this, no one in Canada has even suggested that we clamp down on the border from our side.

    It is acknowledged by most, including the US ambassador to Canada and the Canadian Ambassador to the US that when the US goes ahead with it's plan to prohibit anyone without a passport from entering into the US, the damage done to border states and provinces will be extremely high from an economic point of view. Possibly (probably) higher than the damage caused in border states by illegal immigrants working for low wages.

    If you want to let this die I will, however you brought it up. :wink:
  5. bncancun

    bncancun Regular Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2006
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    My Mexican wife and I weer having a discussion on this lastnight and she brought up a good point about the job market.
    She said "If you erect a wall on the border you will keep out many of the poor that do menial work for a short time and then return to Mexico. What will happen is those with education and money will find a way through the system and will take middle class jobs and tend to stay. Usually they go in illegal but mange to get into the system and become legal there."
    I thought it was a good point.
  6. Tina

    Tina Guest

    +0 / 0
    My office gal here married a man from England he came here "legally" but the amazing hassle they went through just to get him here is incredible, the amount of money, time, interviews not only here but also in England.....and its just not as easy as some people think, some think you come here you get married and boom you get to work and so way....they were married in Feb and he just recently got his work visa and the amount of time and $ they've invested, baffles me knowing that the average person coming here to become a citizen does not have that kind of resources and $ in order to become legal.
  7. 4biddenpleasrs

    4biddenpleasrs I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Toronto, ON, Canada
    +0 / 0
    just need to add my 2 pesos in here on the Northern and Souther boarders.

    After 9/11 Canada got the blame for letting terrorists into the US through our leaky boarder. While imigration to Canada definately needs to be looked at, the boarder INTO the US is not our responsibility. When you cross into the USA you cross through US customs, not Canadian (or Mexican in the south). Sorry but I needed to get that off my chest.

    As for the wall/fence. I think it's a good idea... reduce the flow if illegals then it will be easier to manage the ones that get through. Legal passage across the boarder should not be effected because it's just that.... legal. No one is talking about closing the boarder just controling the flow better.
  8. lambert13

    lambert13 Guest

    +0 / 0
    My observations again....

    1. Blame Canada for everything :lol: They probably wont fight back anyway. I'm sick of those polite, money spending Canadian tourists anyway.

    2. If educated, hard working, potential middle class America, Mexicans want to come here legally and work.........I don't think anyone will have a problem with that. Just as most of us don't mind hard working illegals who are here just to work. Its the lowlifes illegals like the ones that stole my friends car, kicked the crap out of my younger sister, attacked me on my paper route while I was a kid, turned my hometown into a big drug spot, etc that I want out of my country. And yes, those acts were all commited by illegal Mexicans in my hometown in upstate New York. Not heresay, not probably illegal, caught by the police and discovered to be illegal. I am a very tolerant person, but when someone who is not even supposed to be in my country attacks a member of my family, they better pray that the police find them first.
  9. 4biddenpleasrs

    4biddenpleasrs I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Toronto, ON, Canada
    +0 / 0
    nationality has no bearing on someone being a criminal.
  10. lambert13

    lambert13 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Youre absolutely right. But when it is someone of any nationality in my country illegally that commits a crime against me or my family, I am going to feel the same way. I was just pointing out a few of my experiences in my hometown which has a significant problem with Illegal Mexican immigrants.
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