Mike, Seen guys at TTR wear lots worse, my old tired body wouldn't work in those but maybe you could pull it off......especially on a dare, but you should demand something in return from your wife If you wear these....what do you get?? :?: :?: :?:
Thanks for the post Mike... Now Janice wants me to wear something similar :banghead: You owe me :lol: Just joking, but you are gonna pay :wink: Middle aged guy wearing something he shouldn't... Scott
What is that say they have there????????????? oh yeah nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit. I believe I'm going to do it. It isn't what I normally wear but what the hell TTR isn't your normal place. You should try evrything, well almost everything, once. Let's just have fun and enjoy life that's what TTR is about.
Yeah I'm a size 32. So do I go with small that stops at 32 so the will be tight or should I go with the large that starts at a 32 at the fit loose and fall of. We will see what happens. Les and cal you guys said you wear them what is your thoughts and advice, if you have to pm me any secret advice :wink: that will work.
Mike you are on your own for how tight you wear them and potato placement. For me I can’t stand having swimming trunks that reach my knees (or more), and I hate water dipping off the trunks an hour after being out of the pool. If I wanted to swim in long pants I would just jump in. I have “square cut” trunks, however the wife has dared me to wear bikini, but I drew the line (in the sand). Being kind of shy (normally) I do not have that “potato” holder front that you are looking at. I make sure the trunks have a liner so as to hide any Polish heritage. One word of advice, last year when I “voted” for your sister in law during the Miss Temptations Contest, I noticed that those trunks hide well in the whirlpool and are not easy to get back into when wet (and you have been drinking). Don't lose them, as it will be a bit breezy. Cal
It's decided I'm going to do it. Let's hope there aren't any cameras around I am a litlle shy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mike it sounds like we will be sharing a drink in our man trunks. I was out in our pool with a handfull of neighbors in a pair of shorts similar to the link you posted talking about this thread. U get the idea from there. The wife said the exact same thing, if 'm gonna be topless why can't u wear those . Look forward to meeting u Bo